Lets play the male guessing game...


Active Member
Ok, I have two plants. The smaller plant seems to be developing theses clusters of balls or what I think are balls on the 4th and 5th nodes. Yesterday I took one off and pulled it apart and it was a mini flower, no seed or anything resembling a seed. I am still unsure and they have been flowering for 2 weeks or so. I just dont want this unknown plant to ruin the much larger female. Pics below.

So what is it?



Well-Known Member
Ya I was thinking either hermi or male, so I figured id just say male since its one of those and neither you truely want..


Active Member
Can I afford to let it go a little longer to make sure and see what its going to do? Cuz some of the balls are opening up into flowers....the freaking plant is confusing..im starting to think it may be hermi but I dont know..so how much longer till it starts to screw the other one?


Active Member
its dead......but im starting to think my other plant may be male too....and that means all this hard work was for nothing :(


Well-Known Member
The knowledge you have gathered so far is priceless, remember that.. if the last turns out to be male, it sucks yeah, but now you are better prepared to pamper some females. =)


Well-Known Member
There is no "seeing what it will do." Take it out, its no good. We all already know what it will do..


Active Member
The knowledge you have gathered so far is priceless, remember that.. if the last turns out to be male, it sucks yeah, but now you are better prepared to pamper some females. =)

thanks for the pick-me-up.. I guess you are right, I will just be more prepared for the next grow plus I already have all the equipment :blsmoke: But even if the last one turns out to be male i am still going to grow it out, just for the knowledge and to see what happens, cant hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
ya grow it if u want seed's or something but i mean it looks more like a hermi but bro if you let t grow out all you will get is nugs with seed's up to you or you can cut your loses and start again i have done it like 5 times


Active Member
Fuck it, grow that shit out and post up a big ass male mary jane plant, that would be funny/interesting shit that you dont see every day