I used the LED flood style grow light bulbs and regular round shape LED grow bulbs from Walmart with diffusers on, all blurple in color
plus 2 blue bulbs (not sure if blues did anything) I think I had18 bulbs total in a 3’x18”x4’ tall box and they did pretty good on 4 vegging. Ended with 2 cuz 2 maled finished flowering them with 2 vipar Spectra v450’s in same box. Got 2 ounces from a train wreck clone the size and shape of a baseball mit(great smoke!!) and other one was a herm but about half was better than Mexican dirt weed :-/. I posted on it a while back. Was going to use them to put between and along side other lights as a gap filler or booster. Ain’t nuttin wrong with using them shits, they’re cheap and there’s a big ass box of them at most stores right by ur house