Lets see how this goes....


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first time growing mushies. I currently have 4 strains kinda.....I have Penis Envy (PE), Golden Teacher (GT), B+, and Ecudor(EQ) (sp). Did a lot of reasearch. Close to a year just researching. Finially took the plunge about 2 months ago and bot the above strains. I first tried the live culture (LC). I only had one grow and that was the B+. I dont think in this case the supplier did anything wrong. I think it was me. Either the honey content was to high or the Jars wernt cool enough. I have not tried anything yet with the LC.
While I was waiting on the LC to do its thing I prepped some wild bird seed (WBS). I noc up 4 Qrt jars and 6 pints. They took for ever to take off so I used the last of my syringes to noc up 4 addtional pints. All have taken off to some extent or another with the exception of the EQ. They are currently showing no growth really. Not sure why.
I have 2 fruiting chambers (FC) that currently have salted perilite in them with holes drilled around were the cakes will set stuffed with poly fill. The are currently holding between 75 and 80 degrees with 90% RH. These will be kept in my bathroom in the tub. The tub sits below a window so the mushies will get plenty of light.
I just stick the jars in a dark closet and wait.

SO I curently have 2 QRT jars that are right at 100% colenized. One is PE and the other GT. These will be married with cpoo, straw and some verm and go into a small bulk tub like a shoe box. Oh not sure why the first pic looks yellow...it is as white as the rest. Damn camera...

Plus a few Pints PE, GT, B+:
One of these pints when fully col I will dunk roll in verm and put in the FC. Why? To see what happens. I have a few other pints but they appear to have stalled....maybe I shook them to early? Not sure. Playing the waiting game to see what happens.

I also have 2 "tubs or cakes". Now these are not good pics. The B+ is the container with the clear lid. The GT is in the smaller container with a solid white lid. I have no idea yet what the GT is doing as I have not opened it to see yet. I will wait till thursday to see. That will be one week. The B+ container is TAKING OFF. Hard to see in the pics due to moister on the lids. But trust me it is. I did a 1 to 2 ratio with the spawn. 1 spawn to 1 cpoo and 1 verm. I mixed these together in open air as there was not enough room in my glove box to work. After they were mixed well I put about 1/4 in of cpoo on top to cover so no white was showing. While I was right in the middle of doing these two, I hada house emergeny. The faucet in the bathtub broke and i had water going everywere. SO I hope these two containers do well. Talk about running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

I will update this in a few days. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask or comment.


Well-Known Member
Mr West thanks for coming by.

MIZ-LOL I know. You should look them up. They are named that for a reason. The reason I got the strain is because it is supposed to be more potent. The only issue I see so far with this strain is it is very aggresive at first but then takes longer to knot and pin. Atleast that is what i have been told. I will see hopefully soon enough.


Well-Known Member
It has been conjectured that the longer a strain (land race) takes to pin, the stronger the result. I cannot verify this and am curious as to the duality of opinion over potency of this organism. I have never seen a true study done as to potency of different strains of P/ Cubensis, only anecdotal and I myself have attributed differences in strength to drying methods, age of the dried material, relative growth (are they pins?) and the like. I also have sensed some differences in effect even though I am fairly certain that there are not enough compounds in the organism to cause such differernces, there being 3, possibly 4 having been isolated. Then again, I don't know how much it really has been studied. What I DO know is that potency is pretty irrelevant, no where near that of pot. If your grow is 10 percent less potent, then take 10 percent more, which isn't very much.


Well-Known Member
Hey Canndo thanks for stopping by. You have been around awhile so it is good to have an "oldtimer" watching. I do have a question for you if you dont mind. I have seen mixed advise on WBS. I want to take the col WBS and Dunk it, roll it in verm to see what happens.Kinda like the BRF cake but use WBS. I have been told not to do this but not why. Wondering with your experience if you have anything to add. Thanks

VLRD thank you. I hope it all goes well. As they say only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Hey Canndo thanks for stopping by. You have been around awhile so it is good to have an "oldtimer" watching. I do have a question for you if you dont mind. I have seen mixed advise on WBS. I want to take the col WBS and Dunk it, roll it in verm to see what happens.Kinda like the BRF cake but use WBS. I have been told not to do this but not why. Wondering with your experience if you have anything to add. Thanks

VLRD thank you. I hope it all goes well. As they say only time will tell.
aside from the fact that I hate WBS, it should work. This type of mushroom will grow on about anything and in about any condition if you wait long enough and the contams don't get you. BTW, I was on a trip visiting some of you guys in person all across the country.


Well-Known Member
aside from the fact that I hate WBS, it should work. This type of mushroom will grow on about anything and in about any condition if you wait long enough and the contams don't get you. BTW, I was on a trip visiting some of you guys in person all across the country.
Why do you hate WBS? Just wondering is all.

Glad you went on the trip. I wish I would have known you were coming by I would have whipped something up.


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate WBS? Just wondering is all.

Glad you went on the trip. I wish I would have known you were coming by I would have whipped something up.
Hard to hydrate, too small, gets slimy, and it dries out too quickly for a few reasons.,


Well-Known Member
I never had any issues with WBS.

I also don't see how its hard to hydrate them.

Do you soak them for 12-24 hrs and simmer them before PCing them?

Also if you don't wash off the WBS with hot water dirt tends to stick and make them slimy.


Well-Known Member
Just saying that I like other substrate/grains better, gonna flush from spawn? I use popcorn, going to spawn to another substrate, I use rye -


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Well i was a little busy today. I made a cake for PE and GT from the quart jars. I followed the same as before: 1 qrt of spawn to 1 quart Cpoo and 1 quart verm. Here are the jars before I broke them up:
SANY0135.jpgSANY0136.jpgOh forgot when I went to start pouring out the PE spawn I almost freaked. It wasnt really white anymore I thought is might be contaim. I looked closer to discover it was blue. Kinda cool looking in a way. I have heard that that means potent mush. Then again I was told it dont mean that. The blue is bruising I believe.
Oh I should meantion that I shut off the AC to the house and all fans. Sprayed lysol through out the room i was working in. After all that was done I went and took a shower. Put on clean clothes. I put on a long sleeve t-shirt, put my hair up in a ponytail and a hat. I then wiped down my whole table and all jars and equipment with 91% alcohol. I also wore gloves. This was done in open air. My GB is to small to do this in and I dont have an airhood.
Here are some pics of my stuff:
In the above pics you can see my past cpoo and verm. You also can see the type of gloves I used as well as the measure qrt jar. I also used a spoon. All this was rewiped with alcohol including gloves. (Yes I am very paranoid) I scooped out a qrt of cpoo and verm. Mixed these together well. I then added the spawn. Mixed this in with the sub material. I then took a little extra cpoo and coverd all the exposed spwn grain. Took a piece of foil wiped it down with alcohol let it dry and wrapped the foil tub. I wrote what it was and the date. Here is a pic of a finished tub with cpoo on top, and the two finished tubs wrapped in foil.
Off they went into the dark to rest for about a week.

Now for pics of the rest of the jars that when fully col will be used for grain to grain (G2G) transfer. I shook them on the last update and here is what they look like now.
SANY0146.jpgAs you can see the GT and PE on the right have not yet recoved from the shaking but the rest are off and running again.
Now for pics of the tubes i did last thursday. Yeah I know I said I would provide the updates for these on thursday but I couldnt wait. I had to see how the GT in the white tub was doing to make sure everything was ok. Since I looked I took pics so you guys could see too.
SANY0144.jpgSANY0145.jpgSeems to be coming along nicely for 6 days.
Now for the tube of the B+:
SANY0142.jpgSANY0143.jpgHmm to me it looks like white grass coming up between the cpoo. This one has a clear lid on it. So when i check my jars I can peek at it.

Oh as far as me checking. I leave the room dark. I take a small flashlight partially covered with my hand to look at each. That way they are not all in the laight at one time. I am normally in and out in a few minutes. Yeah I know it is cheating, but I try to minimize the exposure.
Also I have some jars I am worried about. No pics as it just looks like grain in pics. This is the EQ strain. My very first jars a did took a while to take off so I am trying to be patient with these. I dont smell or see anything bad yet.

Well that is all i have for now. Let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
I didnt think they were ready for casing yet. That is what i was told. I was told anywere from a couple days out to a week or more before they were ready.