Let’s see those small tents packed to the max


Well-Known Member
from experience....

Harvesting weeks apart might be a bad idea. Larger plants will choke light out for smaller plants. Not impossible but something to be ready to deal with.

Also, I used to grow 8 plants in a 5x10 and now only grow 4. I get just as much bud and only veg a core weeks longer. Its all about light. Can't grow more bud than you got watts. Plant count is irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
I grow in 2-3 ltr pots just so I can stuff my 2x3 tent. Keeping veg-flower-finishing slots filled with 3 each most of the time usually ends up with at least 6 growing at one time in the flower tent with 3 vegging in another space. With 3 separate lights, adjusting per plant is easy...sure its get crowded but I ain't nuttin like a sea of bud.