Lets see what 20 bucks can get you.


Well-Known Member
forget about how much bud for 20 creepy steve would you mind if we made this into a what kind hoes for 20$ in your area thread?


Well-Known Member
i honestly think the majority of the people on this site just read the title and post without reading ANYTHING else....


Well-Known Member
Over here it will be like a 1.3 but slightly wet so its really a 1.1

unless you go to the cannabis clinic you can get fire shake for like 20 an 8th booboo mexicanna weed for 10 a 8th cheap bubble hash for 10 a gram good bud for half 8th -2 grams for 20 or 1 gram of super fire

lets see more hoes


Well-Known Member
well i went walking for about 1 hour and found a guy selling big nuggs for 20 bucks!! i was booyaaa

ran home ran threw the door.opened it up and wdt!!

rotten apple!!

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I bought Moss one time for $20 Seedy deal on a corner drive by.
That shit looked so green in the baggie. Lol

Sr. Verde

1 Gram

but I never buy that low amount

3.5 for 50 bucks is a damn good deal