Let's start a Q-Anon rumour made up of quotes...

It's already begun, and look at how happy you are about it.

Yeah you're not a fuckin moron or anything like that. But yeah preparation yayyyyyyyyyy!!
It’s already here. It’s been here and neither you nor I can stop it. If you have parts of Native American why are you worried about white genocide? Something doesn’t add up.
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Once again you show how terrible of a memory you have UB, I'm not 100% Caucasian.

I have Comanche and Cherokee blood in my veins, do you still feel the need to make jokes about genocide around me?

**Insert joke about unclebucks intelligence here**: "_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________."
your brain is so crippled it can't even come up with the joke. LOL

strokes are a hoax
I've already told you before of my Native American heritage, let me guess now you remember?

The Comanche nation was one of the largest and most fierce of all the Native American tribes, you only wish you could have a even small portion of Comanche blood running through your veins like I do, maybe try and not stereotypically continue being inconsiderate of other races and tribes (and their hardships... genocide) who are unlike your own? Stop being so Hateful !! ! ! !

The Cherokee nation also had their own unique struggle with European nations as well as Americans and so forth, it was hardly a hospitable Age to be alive as a Native American during the colonization period and so on of the wild west etc.

I have enough native blood to take a stand, I have enough within my heritage to speak up about cultural/racial relations, war and genocide, why? Because it's part of my history no matter how much you'd like to down play it's importance.

You won't be extracting it from my DNA any time soon. So yeah just keep showing us how much of a racist you are, you're great at that.
you don't have to worry about white genocide because your body hates itself so much it will just kill itself.
And if I have no stories to share, then genocide must not be part of my history then right? Since genocide leads towards happy family life, procreation and passing down of stories from living family members and all.

Like you'd begin to have even a sliver of a clue by asking me a question like that, my Native American ancestors in those days were having their traditions, history/future, rights/freedom's ripped away from them, the fact that they stayed alive was a miracle in itself some cases, so no that's how bad genocide affected the ancestors that I had, everything that had to do with being Native American in my family was lost except for the history that was past down to my parents about their great great great grandparents ( Strife and hardships don't equal out to passing down stories and traditions when mass murder is an ever present threat to you and your immediate family/tribal members etc) ...

But yeah thanks for asking :-?.
Aww, so no stories then? From my math all your relatives between the generation above you to 3 generations above them were genocided?
And if I have no stories to share, then genocide must not be part of my history then right? Since genocide leads towards happy family life, procreation and passing down of stories from living family members and all.

Like you'd begin to have even a sliver of a clue by asking me a question like that, my Native American ancestors in those days were having their traditions, history/future, rights/freedom's ripped away from them, the fact that they stayed alive was a miracle in itself some cases, so no that's how bad genocide affected the ancestors that I had, everything that had to do with being Native American in my family was lost except for the history that was past down to my parents about their great great great grandparents ( Strife and hardships don't equal out to passing down stories and traditions when mass murder is an ever present threat to you and your immediate family/tribal members etc) ...

But yeah thanks for asking :-?.
i forgive you for being white.

still, you're not exempt from the genocide. if we made exceptions for you, we'd have to make exceptions for every brain damaged loser.
There is a joke in here somewhere about some combination of 'All Lives Matter', the silly notion that white genocide is a thing, and everyone dying eventually anyways. But I am not funny enough to figure it out.
Anything that sheds light on Zionist Scum... you will be called everything imaginable in opposition.. Kabal Mafia doesn't appreciate people knowing the Truth....
Anything that sheds light on Zionist Scum... you will be called everything imaginable in opposition.. Kabal Mafia doesn't appreciate people knowing the Truth....

OMG! i haven't seen you in awhile..thought of you last night..just popped into my head..is everything okay with you and family? usually when i have a pop that means something happened/changed of some significance (good or bad) and here you are.
but the 'uneducated black' sticks?
That was part of the reverse trolling of uncle buck for harassing me, notice I said I'm kidding right below it, I was joking.

I was trying to be blatant/obvious when addressing his acceptance of the genocide of an entire race, it's the only form of speaking that he'll understand, if you say anything too softly and without insult, it just ends up going in one ear, and right out the other.
That was part of the reverse trolling of uncle buck for harassing me, notice I said I'm kidding right below it, I was joking.

I was trying to be blatant/obvious when addressing his acceptance of the genocide of an entire race, it's the only form of speaking that he'll understand, if you say anything too softly and without insult, it just ends up going in one ear, and right out the other.
I accept white genocide. It’s just a matter of time. Better put your big boy pants on
That was part of the reverse trolling of uncle buck for harassing me, notice I said I'm kidding right below it, I was joking.

I was trying to be blatant/obvious when addressing his acceptance of the genocide of an entire race, it's the only form of speaking that he'll understand, if you say anything too softly and without insult, it just ends up going in one ear, and right out the other.

ummm yes i did notice and your JK had nothing to do with the 'uneducated blacks', which is why i called you out.