Lets Stop Immigration To Help Eliminate Unemployment And Raise The Standard Of Living


Well-Known Member
LOL. You have a talent for denying reality. Enjoy the bliss.
what a blithering racist idiot you are
How many sock puppet accounts do you own?
Is this your way of saying you have nothing intellegent or valid to add to the debate?
You had one post in this thread where I had just a slight glimmer of hope that maybe you were getting close to the real issues, it was post #34


Well-Known Member

why can immigrants get jobs in america?

why would any employer choose a barely speaking english immigrant over the local population?


these employers are simply paying such low wages, that no one local wants to work there?

it certainly was so around here. (iceland)

employers of certain jobs didnt want (or couldnt) raise the wages, so what they did was import people from poor countries to work these jobs.

then the recession started and certain people started complaining about immigrants "stealing" their jobs.

that discussion was quickly laughed out of public view as it was ridiculous.

the only reason immigrants with barely even any english and no knowledge of our language, the only reason they could get a job, was simply because the locals didnt want those jobs.

this is a smaller population than america by far, so alot of immigrants did have to go home.,when the recession hit.

but still the local population wont work these jobs (work all day, almost every day, for a paycheck thats a bit above umemployment benefits and is just enough for a shitty rental place and lousy food and maybe a movie or 2, who the fuck wants that?)

actually the only reason most of these immigrants came here, was because everything is so much cheaper back home for them.

2 month minimum salary here is enough to live like a king for a year back in their places.

lot of them send money home too.

there really isnt much of a reason for them to stay here, they wont ever get anything but minimum wage unless they work real hard and get real smart.

much more clever to just work a few years here and then go home and start a business (As many are doing)

this isnt really that good of a place, unless you are of the right people.

and it fairly looks the same across the board in western countries.

though some things look better in other countries and some things worse.


New Member
Is this your way of saying you have nothing intellegent or valid to add to the debate?
You had one post in this thread where I had just a slight glimmer of hope that maybe you were getting close to the real issues, it was post #34
Anyone judging this "debate" would have thrown you out of the room a long time ago. You have shown the least amount of substance out of anyone on this thread. Literally, I think there were maybe 2 posts of yours that were debating anything, and the rest were just childish junk, to be honest. You have been destroyed at every turn, and the only time you convince yourself otherwise is when you try to manipulate things in your mind to justify your lack of any real information. You and I were arguing about the fact that minorities rule working the fields, and you point to a youtube of a white family at a pay to pick........just stupid shit like that shows that YOU lost the debate as soon as you started. Mainly because like so many other conservatives, you failed to prepare with any factual information. Just a whole lot of opinions, and hocus pocus. I ask you what your education is on the subject, and you dodge that one every time, because you know you will look bad if you answer honestly. None of this helps your argument.

But I suppose you will choose one sentence out of this post, and try some one liner......why? Because you know how badly you have been beaten in this "debate".

What do you have to say to my whole post, dude? You have not even tried to PROVE anything, just made tons of baseless claims.......

Michael Sparks

Active Member
We should stop allowing immigration and deport illegal immigrants to help us lower unemployment while increacing our standard of living. It's also time to stop forigen aid.
Do you honestly think the concept of stopping immigration, will help in eliminating unemployment? Why would we not acknowledge that more and more jobs are being cut because corporations are simply outsourcing, money is the problem, we are all being held as collateral for the debt... ever wonder why you have a birth certificate ? if not maybe you should start to. It is ans has always been your choice to use your voice.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
They Paid more
They even tried forcing parolees to do the job

Crops rotted in the Feilds Asshole

Now go back to whatever white supremacist site you came from and tell them you are failing
Chill dude, ok?

France grows 31 967 028 ( 29 million tonnes) tons of sugar beets. That's the 2nd place grower. Are you telling me Mexicans are swimming the Atlantic to pick their fields? If not, why aren't nearly 32 million tons of beets rotting in French fields?

This might be the reason. Cheating fucker farmers want to pay less payroll taxes by hiring migrant workers under the table. Those farmers are banking on sympathy to get rid of laws at the expense of a few lost crops now. Why is it always the poor illegal? Without the opportunity, they wouldn't come here. Also they could give a shit about the US, otherwise, why have they been going back to their real country during our current depression? It's because even though the pay is shit to us, it has in the past been better than there.

Mexico doesn't allow illegal immigration either. Illegals sneaking into Mexico from their southern borders fine people up to $46,000 USD and up to 12 years in prison. People who protest Mexico's population laws are physically brutally beaten and arrested.

Why is only the US supposed to let the rest of the world abuse us? Maybe if the US wasn't so afraid of being accused of being racist and actually enforced law which already exist, nearly 3,000 people would still have been alive 9/11/2001. The patriot act wouldn't have been enacted. Why is it better to let our government violate its own citizens' human rights at the expense of foreign citizens who in the least want to exploit our better wages, to those who wish us harm by doing violent crimimal acts against US citizens?


Well-Known Member
Chill dude, ok?

France grows 31 967 028 ( 29 million tonnes) tons of sugar beets. That's the 2nd place grower. Are you telling me Mexicans are swimming the Atlantic to pick their fields? If not, why aren't nearly 32 million tons of beets rotting in French fields?

This might be the reason. Cheating fucker farmers want to pay less payroll taxes by hiring migrant workers under the table. Those farmers are banking on sympathy to get rid of laws at the expense of a few lost crops now. Why is it always the poor illegal? Without the opportunity, they wouldn't come here. Also they could give a shit about the US, otherwise, why have they been going back to their real country during our current depression? It's because even though the pay is shit to us, it has in the past been better than there.

Mexico doesn't allow illegal immigration either. Illegals sneaking into Mexico from their southern borders fine people up to $46,000 USD and up to 12 years in prison. People who protest Mexico's population laws are physically brutally beaten and arrested.

Why is only the US supposed to let the rest of the world abuse us? Maybe if the US wasn't so afraid of being accused of being racist and actually enforced law which already exist, nearly 3,000 people would still have been alive 9/11/2001. The patriot act wouldn't have been enacted. Why is it better to let our government violate its own citizens' human rights at the expense of foreign citizens who in the least want to exploit our better wages, to those who wish us harm by doing violent crimimal acts against US citizens?
And Bingo was his name...........


New Member
Chill dude, ok?

France grows 31 967 028 ( 29 million tonnes) tons of sugar beets. That's the 2nd place grower. Are you telling me Mexicans are swimming the Atlantic to pick their fields? If not, why aren't nearly 32 million tons of beets rotting in French fields?

Sugar Beats are Picked and Planted By machine

Today, mechanical sowing, herbicide application for weed control and mechanical harvesting have displaced this reliance on manual farm work. A root beater uses a series of blades to chop the leaf and crown (which is high in non-sugar impurities) from the root. The beet harvester lifts the root, and removes excess soil from the root in a single pass over the field. A modern harvester is typically able to cover six rows at the same time. The beets are dumped into trucks as the harvester rolls down the field, and then delivered to the factory. The conveyor then removes more soil.

Any other Stupid thoughts you would like to share?


Well-Known Member
Sugar Beats are Picked and Planted By machine

Today, mechanical sowing, herbicide application for weed control and mechanical harvesting have displaced this reliance on manual farm work. A root beater uses a series of blades to chop the leaf and crown (which is high in non-sugar impurities) from the root. The beet harvester lifts the root, and removes excess soil from the root in a single pass over the field. A modern harvester is typically able to cover six rows at the same time. The beets are dumped into trucks as the harvester rolls down the field, and then delivered to the factory. The conveyor then removes more soil.

Any other Stupid thoughts you would like to share?
Maybe instead of using his money to pay illegal workers your blackberry growing pal should have invested in one of these...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Why do you have to call me stupid? That's uncalled for. In all I wrote, that's all you could criticize?

Agriculture isn't my expertise. I was just trying to make a point about how other countries are out there who do agrculture and don't recruit Mexican citizens. I didn't have time to research the field if agriculture properly.

I do,however, know a lot about fire sprinkler protection. I worked a year as an inventory IT and finance specialist. Your average fitter makes over $50,000. Yet, many companies will hire illegals for a fraction of that. Legit legal fitters want those jobs, but only a small fraction are on the books. Owners of these companies lie about how many workers will do a job, in the work order contract, in order to make it look like legit fitters do the job. Fire protection engineers can make over $100,000 a year. But, the companies only hire one, or are the owner with NICET training. The rest are illegals who have Mexican degrees and are hired for less than a fourth of a proper NICET. The only proper engineer pretends to have done the work and puts on a proper authorized stamp on the blueprints.

Migrant workers aren't the only illegals getting work illegally. Fake NICET is great pay. They make more than in Mexico. All the while a greedy small business owner is making tons of money cheating on taxes. Its not just corporate CEOs banking off illegals. It's not just agriculture making money too. Qualified engineers are taking unemployment because people aren't paying their fair share, cheat and lie.

I think you also proved my point. The French will buy proper equipment and hire proper French employees to operate equipment. While lazy and greedy Americans will cheat and steal to exploit their illegal workerd because illegals are cheaper than proper equipment and legal employees to use the equipment too.


Well-Known Member
So if greedy americans wouldn't create opportunity for illegal immigrants then there would be no problem with lost jobs??right.....??its easy to say blame the illegals.. they come over here and steal our jobs...but in reality if there were no greedy americans to create these jobs because they are looking to make as much profit as they can, why would illegals come to america??.....every honest illegal immigrant I have known has told me the same thing over and over when I ask why they came to the U.S....to look for work.....because they know they will get hired by these greedy bastards......Americans are fucking up America...it's time to wake up.........stop trying to blame everyone else,obviously it's not working......

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

Do you have reading comprehension problems?

"Americans will cheat and steal to exploit their illegal worker"

Maybe should put down the pipe before you post?

Americans who hire them exploit them. Why do I have to work hard to pay for cheaters?

Again, the illegals aren't our friends. Their loyalty is mother Mexico. But some loyalty huh? They're like a fair weather friend to both our countries. No matter their reasons, that's not very honorable. Let's see how many come here if when caught are sent over seas as our military cannon fodder. The Marines could then change their motto to, "the few, the proud, the illegal immigrant."

On this veteran's day, I salute our troops, even if I don't agree with the job they do. But unlike our illegal "friends," the troops are victims of a corrupt government and ordered to invade and occupy. The illegals are ordered by no one but themself.