Lets Stop Immigration To Help Eliminate Unemployment And Raise The Standard Of Living

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Awesome. I have traveled all over the world. And my wife happens to of been from Asia. So I tkae it like me you have dealt with immigration before?
It took us almost 8 months to get thru the process to get here. Now imagine if your wife was mexican. It would take upwards of 2 decades. Is that right?
Yeah, I did all the paperwork myself, took a little over 9 months, fucking SUCKED! Imagine if you're iranian. Or pakistani. Fuuuuuck

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
My personal issue isn't with immigrants or people in or from other countrys- my issue is with hypocracy and lies and being taken advantage of.
Many people pay around 50% of their income in taxes- i'm including all taxes and programs, as in you keep 50 cents on a dollar you earn- for some it's more for some it's less, that meens that half of your days work, every day of your life.
Many of us have served in the military or had family that served- over many years and generations, many people have died.
We have borders and immigration laws, we have price controlls and minimum wadges
The system we have and have put into is set up to give us an advantage- just because were citizens we have an advantage, that has been paid for dearly
It might be an "unfair advantage" but it is one that we have set up to benifit us, and benifit us it has.
Morally I think it is wrong and we should probably open the borarders and draw back the military and compete with the world and befriend our neighbors and accept the changes that would come with that.
But as it is were paying for border patroll and immigration and the military and corperate tax breaks, and we had wars which devistated many countrys and their economys
If we are to continue to put into this system I would like it to be clear in what it is and what it's purpose is- we should be benifiting from these investments and policys, we should not be being charged and taken advantage of and lied to to further enrich those few that are running the system and giving them more power and consolidating that power while we lose the benifits of that system. we could have great employment numbers and high pay and a high standard of living - by limiting immigration we would limit the number of workers making each worker more valuable- with the military we can ensure very low oil prices for our consumers and buisnesses- with a relaxing of taxes and regulations we can increase manufacturing instead of sending it overseas where they do not have the regulations or have lower pay scale-And if we pay our workers in "Dollars" we would ensure the wealth of our nation.
I say use everything to OUR advantage or stop charging us to enrich the rich and the rest of the world at our expense- Why should we be paying for forigen aid to packistan when I see homeless people on my way to work?
I think this passage deserves some though. Ill get back to you :-) and I can totally understand that feeling.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
My personal issue isn't with immigrants or people in or from other countrys- my issue is with hypocracy and lies and being taken advantage of.
Many people pay around 50% of their income in taxes- i'm including all taxes and programs, as in you keep 50 cents on a dollar you earn- for some it's more for some it's less, that meens that half of your days work, every day of your life.
Many of us have served in the military or had family that served- over many years and generations, many people have died.
We have borders and immigration laws, we have price controlls and minimum wadges
The system we have and have put into is set up to give us an advantage- just because were citizens we have an advantage, that has been paid for dearly
It might be an "unfair advantage" but it is one that we have set up to benifit us, and benifit us it has.
Morally I think it is wrong and we should probably open the borarders and draw back the military and compete with the world and befriend our neighbors and accept the changes that would come with that.
But as it is were paying for border patroll and immigration and the military and corperate tax breaks, and we had wars which devistated many countrys and their economys
If we are to continue to put into this system I would like it to be clear in what it is and what it's purpose is- we should be benifiting from these investments and policys, we should not be being charged and taken advantage of and lied to to further enrich those few that are running the system and giving them more power and consolidating that power while we lose the benifits of that system. we could have great employment numbers and high pay and a high standard of living - by limiting immigration we would limit the number of workers making each worker more valuable- with the military we can ensure very low oil prices for our consumers and buisnesses- with a relaxing of taxes and regulations we can increase manufacturing instead of sending it overseas where they do not have the regulations or have lower pay scale-And if we pay our workers in "Dollars" we would ensure the wealth of our nation.
I say use everything to OUR advantage or stop charging us to enrich the rich and the rest of the world at our expense- Why should we be paying for forigen aid to packistan when I see homeless people on my way to work?
In here you address many issues that I feel would be better addressed and more effective in its proposals than the cutting off of immigration. I can see your reasoning how reducing the number of participants with the same amount of resources means more for all that are left, however I think that could be oversimplified. Many factors dont get taken into effect with that reasoning such as the price of production for many goods becoming too high to kustify production domestically. Also how much money leaves with the illegals, and how many businesses dry up as a result of reduced demographic? We must also consider the benefits of the highly educated whp desire to immigrate here.

It seems the problem isnt so much the immigration of people, its the implimentation of policy surrounding those immigrants. It is our whole system which interlinks so extensively through multiple factions of society and economy that is ultimately flawed. If you see a building thats built poorly and you can see a certain beam in the building contributing to and causing the issue, you cant simply just pull the beam out, it will collapse the whole building. You have to build correct support so that when you remove it, the weight of the structure doesnt bring about its own downfall. Similarly, while issues exist surrounding immigration, to simply cut it off or take su,h drastic measure could cause our whole system to collapse. Its a verrrrry delicate matter.


New Member
Yeah, I did all the paperwork myself, took a little over 9 months, fucking SUCKED! Imagine if you're iranian. Or pakistani. Fuuuuuck
Did all the paperwork myself also. Internet saved the day.
now how fucked is the system?
we applied for A k1 visa. Her family wanted us married there. If we had done that instead of going the fiance visa route.
The visa approval process would of been 3+ years minimum instead of 8 months

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
QUOTE=dukeanthony;6625212]Did all the paperwork myself also. Internet saved the day.
now how fucked is the system?
we applied for A k1 visa. Her family wanted us married there. If we had done that instead of going the fiance visa route.
The visa approval process would of been 3+ years minimum instead of 8 months[/QUOTE]

Dude....exactly! Same thing with me! We had an unofficiated wedding in indonesia and applied as a fiancee visa. If we had registered our marriage there it would have taken years. Literally. I have a good friend who was married there a year earlier than us, applied, and got in almost 2 years after us. They have a son. It STILL took years going the most legal amd entitled way possible, and they sgill tried to make him feel lucky that.his WIFE AND SON were allowed into the country W T F !?!

It takes a long iong time if youre mexican, but at least you can sneak over while you wait, sneak back toexico if accepted, and come back in legally...we considered.doing this.with my wife.


New Member
From the US went to public school never did really well in school, learning disabilitys and poor health made it harder, im dislexic and could never really learn to spell and cant memorise multiplication but its gotten better over the years with lots of practice dyslexica has become less of an obstacal, i allways tested really high in school but would fail certain things like spelling and writing, have done some traveling and have lived around and with many types of people from many different walks of life, have worked many jobs, labor, restaraunt, sales I could go on and on, I've been working since i was 8 and have had many different jobs, all basicly entery level - not religious but i believe in god and try to live my life with respect for god and what is right, im conservitive on many issues but liberal on some- im not a republican or dem, i despize both but registered republican to vote for Ron Paul- i love my country and all the good people of the world
So we finally get the truth....not much schooling. And definitely not any degree to back up your bullshit. Not surprised in the least bit. I am not making fun of the fact that you have dyslexia, that is a shitty thing.....but I will poke fun at the fact that you avoided the education question for so long for a reason.


Well-Known Member
So we finally get the truth....not much schooling. And definitely not any degree to back up your bullshit. Not surprised in the least bit. I am not making fun of the fact that you have dyslexia, that is a shitty thing.....but I will poke fun at the fact that you avoided the education question for so long for a reason.
some people have to work, going to college does not make you better than another human being - it might make you more book smart on certain things but your human just the same, were all born the same and we all die the same, I would prefer to be judged by the person I am than the school I attended.


New Member
some people have to work, going to college does not make you better than another human being - it might make you more book smart on certain things but your human just the same, were all born the same and we all die the same, I would prefer to be judged by the person I am than the school I attended.
I think it is a little different in debate. I can respect you and your lifestyle all you want......but in a debate pertaining to knowledge.....you were trying SO FUCKING hard to make other people feel stupid, and you would never actually debate.....and now I see why.......

I do not care what school you attended, but when someone asks you what your education is, and you are not honest about it, then that totally ruins your credibility. You were trying to keep that fact from people, because you knew it would hurt your argument.

So, as far as judging you....here is my take.....you are a racist that has very little education, and cannot read very well to educate yourself on the issues.....so you probably listen to the hearsay of your racist peers, and then repeat it like a parrot. Best representation of the typical Republican that I have met. You are Republican so you can vote for Ron Paul.....please, dude.

Not trying to be mean, but saying you are dyslexic and cannot do math does not help you look like the best person to be analyzing things for us, does it?


Well-Known Member
So we finally get the truth....not much schooling. And definitely not any degree to back up your bullshit. Not surprised in the least bit. I am not making fun of the fact that you have dyslexia, that is a shitty thing.....but I will poke fun at the fact that you avoided the education question for so long for a reason.
What degree do you have, from what school, what was your GPA? If your school isn't Harvard, Yale or Princeton, and you don't have at the least a masters degree and you need to have graduated with at least a 3.75 GPA, otherwise all your arguments are wrong.


New Member
some people have to work, going to college does not make you better than another human being - it might make you more book smart on certain things but your human just the same, were all born the same and we all die the same, I would prefer to be judged by the person I am than the school I attended.
Oh, and I worked the Garlic Fields when i was 10 years old, I was one of 2 white boys out there. My dad wanted me to learn REAL work ethics, so I worked out there for my Disneyland money.

I love how you Republican jokers like to assume they are the only ones that worked......I went to college, took out loans to do so, and now I am paying those back. And I worked all the way through college. I have worked for 10 years in Sales and business management, I record music, and I grow weed. I also like to work on my house and garden.

"Some people have to work" is the lamest fucking shit I have heard in a while.


New Member
A Jewish ladys poem that was placed on a luciferian statue that France gave us because the intended reciepant didn't want it- Is Not What Our Country Was Founded On. Or Built Upon- Is is the ORIGONAL Constitution and Declaration of Independance and Bill of rights you should quote
Yeah......this is only posted on the STATUE OF LIBERTY. Which sits guarding our busiest immigration center in the United States! I would say it is EXACTLY what our forefathers wanted. Otherwise it would not still be there, you silly Republican.

Folks like Beardo fail to realize that our whole country was founded by immigration. You have no idea what you are talking about.

So tired of hearing the ignorance of the "right". Please, fucking read something.


Well-Known Member
No beardo is a racist
he admires both Hitler and David Duke
Wow that has got to be one of the worst arguments for being a racist ever proposed. If I like Obama, does that mean I will be a great orator? If I admire Bill Gates, does that make be a bazzilionaire?

The product of a poor education.


Well-Known Member
has very little education, and cannot read very well to educate yourself on the issues.....so you probably listen to the hearsay of your racist peers, and then repeat it like a parrot.
You just described about 75% of the Democratic base. You guys revel in the fact you are the party of the government dependent masses and you are correct. It's filled with the least educated, too poor to afford a computer or internet connection, voting for whoever promises to continue the handouts, laughably uninformed cretins. And you also have the market cornered on the unapologetic racist leaders, of course those leaders are minorities, so it's not racism.

STFU you stooge. Another halfwit too stupid to even be allowed to post, given moderator status. I sure hope it's because you can grow your ass off, not because you represent the standards of RIU.


Well-Known Member
I think it is a little different in debate. I can respect you and your lifestyle all you want......but in a debate pertaining to knowledge.....you were trying SO FUCKING hard to make other people feel stupid, and you would never actually debate.....and now I see why.......

I do not care what school you attended, but when someone asks you what your education is, and you are not honest about it, then that totally ruins your credibility. You were trying to keep that fact from people, because you knew it would hurt your argument.

So, as far as judging you....here is my take.....you are a racist that has very little education, and cannot read very well to educate yourself on the issues.....so you probably listen to the hearsay of your racist peers, and then repeat it like a parrot. Best representation of the typical Republican that I have met. You are Republican so you can vote for Ron Paul.....please, dude.

Not trying to be mean, but saying you are dyslexic and cannot do math does not help you look like the best person to be analyzing things for us, does it?
Just because I didn't attend an ivy leauge college does not meen you are not stupid or that I do not posses more knowladge than you. I was honest about my education and it did not hurt my argument.
And my reading skills and comprehension are top notch
Oh and I don't have to try hard