Let's talk about embarrassing "hammered" stories...


Well-Known Member
yikes too much shit! warm dog shit on the toes, thanks for reminding me. I remember when I first turned 21, mind you I drank at 15+ but a few work buddies at a convention told the bartender it was my first time at a bar. What kind of bartender gives a guy free drinks? gay ones, thats who. Got 2 irish car bomb and got the hell out of there. ended up sitting between my district manager and the vice president of the company. Just finished my second drink as the vp stood up at the table and gave a speech to the 2000+ employees in the room for the award ceremony. They were talking about racket-ball and other yuppy nonsense sports as I was knocking over glasses and making a mess all over the floor. Ended up getting drunk with all the hot shots and lost my shit a 6-pack later at their suite. I would say that sucked but since I got a free plane ride to florida, free resort suite room for 5 nights and tripped on acid and found weed, it was the greatest time of my life. Not to mention quitting the job 2 weeks after returning... But getting drunk around your superiors is flat out stupid.

edit: I brought the acid on the flight inside a gum pack. actually put the acid against the gum and put it back in the wrapper. Yeah a little absorbed but I chewed the gum too. tripped for 10 hours on 3 hits in a hotel room with my girlfriend while my 45 year old co worker slept in the next room with no idea. Good times! coming down from a trip while your girlfriend is having a fit, screaming, breaking shit in the hotel, and a you have non-refundable tickets to universal SUCKS. more than stepping in dog shit.