Let's talk about guns. . . . . .


Well-Known Member
We are generally pretty against the whole royalty thing here. Even if it really doesn't matter, I think this mindset has been pretty constant in how we approach things as a country so much different that you all up north.
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This is not a secret, she's a powerless nice old lady, I guess that means the UK has our back, since we have a common ruler! So do the Australians and so does NZ, most Americans would feel at home in all of those countries, as would they in America. Constitutions only change when there is a need, here and in America, but electing a powerless ceremonial president would not be too big an issue, many European parliamentary systems have them or largely symbolic monarchies whose only real power is to fire the PM and appoint another one, if required.

America currently has Donald the first as King, an absolute despotic monarch and he doesn't want to vacate the throne! :lol: You won't have an inauguration as much as an overthrow of the monarchy, perhaps Donald will crown himself King of America at Mar Logo on Jan 20th, a gold crown works as good as a tinfoil hat! His base will bow down no problem and make you bow down too, at gun point if required. Maybe he could have a coronation at Mar Logo and some megachurch charlatan can crown him on TV while Joe is sworn in.:lol:


Well-Known Member
funny when he was over seas i told him to ask for forgiveness and never mind asking for permission, see what happens when blood is thicker than water,


Active Member
I love firearms, always have & always will.
I went on a mission when I was 24 to learn to hunt, because I felt that I needed to connect dots, that if I liked too eat meat/fish, therefore I should be responsible for they're acquisition.
Fuck going to the grocery store & simply buying the meat you crave (I am a proud carnivore), I want to go into the woods & earn my right to exist.
I hunted for 2 years using bow & rifle before I killed my 1st deer with a shotgun on a farm that my friends Uncle owned.
It was a life changing experience, watching the light go out of that bucks eyes as it passed.
But the cycle of life continued with me dressing the deer and feeding my family with it's bounty.
I have no problem at all with guns, they are a necessary tool
But the need for assault weapons of mass destruction is another story altogether.
They should be banned, there is no logical need or purpose for them besides killing humans & that is a fact.
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 should definitely be revisited & when the Congress & the WH shift Democratic come November I think then it will be time for a serious discussion of gun control, no more lockstep with the NRA shit that's going down now.
Don’t take my guns!!! I’m trying to get as a few more now!


Well-Known Member
This is not a secret, she's a powerless nice old lady, I guess that means the UK has our back, since we have a common ruler! So do the Australians and so does NZ, most Americans would feel at home in all of those countries, as would they in America. Constitutions only change when there is a need, here and in America, but electing a powerless ceremonial president would not be too big an issue, many European parliamentary systems have them or largely symbolic monarchies whose only real power is to fire the PM and appoint another one, if required.

America currently has Donald the first as King, an absolute despotic monarch and he doesn't want to vacate the throne! :lol: You won't have an inauguration as much as an overthrow of the monarchy, perhaps Donald will crown himself King of America at Mar Logo on Jan 20th, a gold crown works as good as a tinfoil hat! His base will bow down no problem and make you bow down too, at gun point if required. Maybe he could have a coronation at Mar Logo and some megachurch charlatan can crown him on TV while Joe is sworn in.:lol:
Sucking royal cunt, disgraceful


Well-Known Member
America currently has Donald the first as King, an absolute despotic monarch and he doesn't want to vacate the throne! :lol: You won't have an inauguration as much as an overthrow of the monarchy, perhaps Donald will crown himself King of America at Mar Logo on Jan 20th, a gold crown works as good as a tinfoil hat! His base will bow down no problem and make you bow down too, at gun point if required. Maybe he could have a coronation at Mar Logo and some megachurch charlatan can crown him on TV while Joe is sworn in.:lol:
Nah, fuck that. America doesn't have royalty. No matter how much he wants to pretend like he is.

lol don't be mad at me you guys still have royalty.

I was just brainstorming the question that your fellow Canadian asked. We were built form people not bending the knee to royalty. They did a lot of fucked up things as a result that has led to a lot of the problems we have today. But we all tend to have that independent streak that leads to things like owning a gun if you want to.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Nah, fuck that. America doesn't have royalty. No matter how much he wants to pretend like he is.

lol don't be mad at me you guys still have royalty.

I was just brainstorming the question that your fellow Canadian asked. We were built form people not bending the knee to royalty. They did a lot of fucked up things as a result that has led to a lot of the problems we have today. But we all tend to have that independent streak that leads to things like owning a gun if you want to.
Gee you seem to blame a lot of people but yourselves for your issues lately, just sayin. I’m pretty sure the queen of England has not much bearing on Canada’s day to days. The owning of the most powerful weapons on earth goes way deeper than what England did, we’ve all done some fucked up shit.


Well-Known Member
Gee you seem to blame a lot of people but yourselves for your issues lately, just sayin. I’m pretty sure the queen of England has not much bearing on Canada’s day to days. The owning of the most powerful weapons on earth goes way deeper than what England did, we’ve all done some fucked up shit.
Hahahaha. Most powerful weapons on Earth, WTF?


Well-Known Member
Gee you seem to blame a lot of people but yourselves for your issues lately, just sayin. I’m pretty sure the queen of England has not much bearing on Canada’s day to days. The owning of the most powerful weapons on earth goes way deeper than what England did, we’ve all done some fucked up shit.
Im not sure what you are saying I am blaming others for.

I have no problem calling our our bullshit. Shit my country genocided half my ancestors until they got far enough away to be called 'Mexicans'. I know we have done some messed up shit, and still are dealing with the very real legacies of that today. Sores that the Russian military has used to further divide us up to the point that leads to shit like idiots thinking they are accomplishing something by blowing themselves up to stop 5g networks.

But seriously.

You Canadians sure are touchy about your royalty.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Im not sure what you are saying I am blaming others for.

I have no problem calling our our bullshit. Shit my country genocided half my ancestors until they got far enough away to be called 'Mexicans'. I know we have done some messed up shit, and still are dealing with the very real legacies of that today. Sores that the Russian military has used to further divide us up to the point that leads to shit like idiots thinking they are accomplishing something by blowing themselves up to stop 5g networks.

But seriously.

You Canadians sure are touchy about your royalty.
Maybe if your over 80 lol. I bet she’s a crotchety old cunt but I could be wrong lol.


Well-Known Member
Nah, fuck that. America doesn't have royalty. No matter how much he wants to pretend like he is.

lol don't be mad at me you guys still have royalty.

I was just brainstorming the question that your fellow Canadian asked. We were built form people not bending the knee to royalty. They did a lot of fucked up things as a result that has led to a lot of the problems we have today. But we all tend to have that independent streak that leads to things like owning a gun if you want to.
Donald might be the closest you come to a King, some should suggest a coronation at Mar Logo to him, complete with a fairytale crown, placed on his golden locks by some Mega church charlatan! He might just go for it, it would be better than an alternative inauguration, though he could be charged with sedition for that. Besides, the ratings would be through the roof, way more would tune in for that one! :lol: Show him some old footage from Elizabeth's coronation to get the juices flowing...


Well-Known Member
Maybe if your over 80 lol. I bet she’s a crotchety old cunt but I could be wrong lol.
Are we Canadian citizens or royal subjects like they are in the UK? :lol:

Is a Canadian citizen a British subject?
Naturalization Act (British subject) [May 22, 1868, to December 31, 1946] Before January 1, 1947, a person born or naturalized in Canada was considered a British subject. The terms “Canadian citizen” and “Canadian citizenship” used in some statutes before that date did not create the legal status of Canadian citizen.


Well-Known Member
That’s metaphorical speaking FYI
The second amendment was so the government could draft them and their gun if they had one. If they didn't want to fight for their state or country, they would take their gun and give to someone who would. The second is about collective responsibility, not individual rights, that's just a by product. They were short on cash and guns back then, so it was a way get them to buy the guns the state could use. :lol: Socialism!


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha. Most powerful weapons on Earth, WTF?
I was waiting for you to be a dickhead before I said this.

Your friend who shot himself with his gun? He put it to a perfectly acceptable use. One of only three. Self defense is not one of them.

Every gun owner has suicide by gun in the back of their mind. Face it, you've thought of it. I also say, why wait?