Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

One minute they are blaming violent cartoons, next minute they blame violent video games, all along they are blaming guns when the real problem is parenting. There is a lack of quality parenting in our society. It is also a mental health issue but if parents were responsible parents then they would know somethings a little off and get their child the mental healthcare they require to make sure they don't become a threat to themselves or others.
parenting is pretty similar everywhere

Gun availability isn’t

You suck at this, shrimp dick
The problem with that definition is, its dumb. Everything available today is an "assault weapon" compared to the muskets available when the constitution was written. Its too late to ban things, theres millions in existence and circulation and the number is growing as i type this. Im a moderate, and i think the liberal knee-jerk reaction to ban all the scary looking guns is laughably stupid. Its the fastest way to let me know someone doesnt know shit about firearms.
Definitely not too late to ban guns.
ill be grandfathered in, along with the millions of other people owning these big bad machines. There will NEVER be a scenario where all the guns are confiscated or eradicated. "My kind" are armed for this exact reason, in case the government wants to overstep its boundaries with the help of the people cowering in their houses when things go bang in the night lol.
you wouldn’t last three seconds

dead corpse is what you’d be

A lovely image. Like i said, you pussies aint taking shit. If that graph were to show the last 3 years the line would be going up up up. The fact that it breaks your soft weak little heart makes me smile
I'm sorry that this sentiment toward suicide by gun upsets you. It's just that gun owners are so cavalier about other people getting injured by their guns though accidents or homicides, I can't find any empathy for the most common victim of gun violence -- the depressed or mentally unstable person who offs their self.

Legislating against suicide seems ridiculous, but I'd be happy to see us study how to reduce it. What I don't understand is why so many people just leave their guns lying around so that kids can pick them up an play with them. Do we have to study locking guns in safes before we start requiring that people do?
What good is a gun if it is locked up? (Not my sentiment, just what gets thrown at me.)

I am not cavalier about my guns, shotgun with trigger lock, little ones in a safe. On the suicide, I generally do not like to hear it, it is sad that someone would get to that point. Not the way I would go though, too messy.
What good is a gun if it is locked up? (Not my sentiment, just what gets thrown at me.)

I am not cavalier about my guns, shotgun with trigger lock, little ones in a safe. On the suicide, I generally do not like to hear it, it is sad that someone would get to that point. Not the way I would go though, too messy.
Argue with the NRA. It's their own safety guideline. Locked in a safe with ammunition stored elsewhere. That is the NRA's guideline for safe storage of a gun. It's all too common for a kid to accidentally shoot a friend of family member with an improperly stored gun. Locking the gun up is just common sense.

The only valid use of most guns is suicide. I've never heard of a person taking their life with a long gun. I'm sure it happens but for the most part, it's done by a hand gun. Hunting is also a valid use of a gun but fewer people than ever are doing that. This
Argue with the NRA. It's their own safety guideline. Locked in a safe with ammunition stored elsewhere. That is the NRA's guideline for safe storage of a gun. It's all too common for a kid to accidentally shoot a friend of family member with an improperly stored gun. Locking the gun up is just common sense.

The only valid use of most guns is suicide. I've never heard of a person taking their life with a long gun. I'm sure it happens but for the most part, it's done by a hand gun. Hunting is also a valid use of a gun but fewer people than ever are doing that. This
I have done a lot of target shooting.
Guns.. hmmm, some people like them some don’t.. for me it’s all about self defense.. I’ve got a few..bought my first at 21...
Not even saying I’d win the battle but my intentions are only self defense with a lot of target type shooting for the sake of knowing the guns..CCW, it’s crazy ass hell out here.. while minding your business..examples..I own a barbershop.. at times I just feel in easy with larger sones of cash on me...so yeah I feel obligated to protect myself...when I feel they’re already coming with one in the chamber.. idk.. ex# 2.. defending the family at home.. again self defense.. I sleep close to it.. always have.. always will.. the way I look at it, I’m already dead if my alarm goes off at home while I’m in it.. I’ll only ask who goes there once...
I was opposed to assault rifles until I realized that they may be necessary...hell no I really don’t wanna use it..but from what I’m seeing, I’ll be getting one tomorrow.. ATI 699.99 not the best but it shoots!!