Lets talk about this ph buisness!!


Active Member
Something is bugging me about the whole ph thing. Seems like alot of you ph to 7 some to 6.5 some to 6 some to 5.8 ect. Its just that natural rain water is 5.6 and anything under 5.4 is considered acid rain. With all this nute lock out happening could it be everyone is phing to high. If this ph is so important why is there such a differance in levels between growers? With a proper dolmitelime mix wouldn't it be best to ph to say to 5.6 to 6 to keep it around the natural level regadless whats being growing. :confused:


Active Member
Here is a chart for nutrient uptake in soil and hydro. http://www.gardenscure.com/420/attachments/plant-nursery/167412d1147031941-nute-deficency-nute-burn-ph-nutrient-availability.gif
Hydro ph is needed to be kept lower than soil. You're fine in the ranges noted. I hope this explains why there is such a wide variety in ph recommendations.
I like the chart thanks, who figured this out tho when it rains on the soil outside its a natural ph of 5.6 so why would we up it to 6.5 on the soil inside instead? Am i the only one wondering this maybe im a noob still but i think i have good common sense. Plants outside recieving 5.6 and lower due to acid rain still thrive. I've never seen rain with a ph of 6.5 that would be totaly unnatural i dont think the plants would like it. Just tying to figure this out man im confused. Time for another bowl.


Well-Known Member
I run 5.5 during the first week or so with new hydroton. It climbs to 6.3 or so, and I knock it down each morning and night. After it's had a chance to start stabolizing, I keep it at 5.8 through the rest of the run.

Don't know anything about soil though.


Active Member
My water is 8.0 out of tap after all is said and done I bring it down to 6~6.5 ph (soil). Everyone's grow is dramatically different (even though similar) so after time u will see what works for you.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you ph is too high (8.5) and you don't know it cause of a broken ph meter

