Well Sky.
I agree with some and some I don't. He says the economy has gotten better, I hope he isn't going by the record stock market because to me it was the only game in town for people with cash sitting around doing nothing. When I see the store fronts filling up again and the real unemployment numbers come down including the people that had the benefits come to an end, then at that time I will think the economy is better.
I witnessed the green energy people rip off the tax payers for over two hundred million with a pipe dream of ocean powered wave energy generators. And now they want to put wind mills in the ocean, which is another pipe dream which will end the same way the wave energy generators did. Nearly every year I see winds of 100mph off of the oregon coast with 30/50 foot seas so it is asinine for green people to have any plans when dealing with the ocean, because all they care about is spending the money to support some dream that will never work.
I see solar power working really good here in Hawaii so I would back that up because it works.
I do like the idea of public money for elections to where everybody gets the same amount.
We will continue this as I read more.