Let's talk inline fans....

Interesting...a hybred axial like s line for unrestricted air or small tents only? Why is that?

My space is a 9x5x7 homemade tent with 2 1000s side by side. I plan to pull air from outside the tent through the hoods (each will have its own duct run) then out the tent to a y connecter through the fan and out a window. Is something suitable for an axial type?

Compare the cfm rates on the graphs at 1" of w.g. (just for comparison not saying you should judge by 1")



.....Most people use carbon filters, crappy plastic vent hose, lots of bends, poor flow characteristics of light reflectors,negative pressure...It adds up. Thats why I just usually recommend centrifugal.

In your case its probably not a big deal. If your unsure, shoot vortex or similar company an email and ask them which model.

- Jiji
To further reduce noise level can use insulated ducting or wrap ducting with a layer or two of foil backed insolation. Can also wrap the unit itself in foil backed isolation and seal edges with duct or foil tape.
Compare the cfm rates on the graphs at 1" of w.g. (just for comparison not saying you should judge by 1")



.....Most people use carbon filters, crappy plastic vent hose, lots of bends, poor flow characteristics of light reflectors,negative pressure...It adds up. Thats why I just usually recommend centrifugal.

In your case its probably not a big deal. If your unsure, shoot vortex or similar company an email and ask them which model.

- Jiji
Thanks for the link....a real eye opener...
I just wanted to thank everyone who added to this thread. It really helped me make a much better decision. I need a dedicated 6 inch fan for scrubbing, and decided to go with the Vortex S-Line based on the research I did because:
A) It should move all the air out of my room about every five minutes or less, which should be plenty.
B) The cost of running the Hyper Fan for one year, 24/7? $98. Cost of Fan? $161.
C) The cost of running other, cheaper, or more powerful fans (e.g. regular Active Air)? $322/yr. Cost of Fan? $80.
D) The cost of running the S-Line? $180. Fan Cost? $167.

As you can see, the cost of running the fan was a big consideration, since it will be the one fan I have to run 24/7, but in the end I decided to split the difference and go with the quieter fan that pushes more air and only costs 6 more dollars to purchase. The total monthly cost is only going to make about a $15 (vs. $8 for the Hyper Fan) difference on my electric bill, but the extra cost of the better fan over a cheaper one at the outset is paid off within the first year.
I have an 8" Hyper Fan w/ 39" filter. Has worked great so far. Paid $170 so price, cfm, watts, speed control, noise were all better than most. Might change it up at some point but for now looking at another use for these fans...

A bit off topic, but:
I am installing a flush mount hood vent in my kitchen:
The hood is over priced as are the fans. So figured I would get another inline fan (hood does not have a built in fan).
Will probably go with 10" which should fit in ceiling (12in joists so 11.5"x~15").
The Vortex S-line may cost more and use more watts but it certainly looks to move more CFMs under restriction:
@ 1" W.G.
Vortex S-line 10" =781cfm @ 232 watts ~ $280 Noise?
Hyperfan 10" = ~650cfm @175 watts ~ $220 Noise?


However the Vortex s-line 10" diameter measures 13.279" so unless that mounting bracket can be cut down I dont think will fit.
I am not sure what the restriction is in the hood but it looks like I will be going with a 10" hyperfan; costs less, lower watts, ok CFMs, and fits @10.8" diameter:

In terms of this thread I would like to know what noise is at min and max for these fans. Both are certainly quite enough for me but I expect the S-line is quieter but then there is the Hyper fan stealth.

I am still undecided as there are other options but seem all are better than OEM.

Great info here that helped me.
One of the bet fans are the whispers. I run 3x10 and 1x12inch fans I close the bedroom door and can not hear a thing.
Hi,I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone know what the power draw of the 6'' hyperfan stealth is? I am assuming it is the same as the 6'' hyper fan? Although I can't find it's power draw either,
Trying to work out what my electrics are going to cost
Necromancer here a little early. Any way I have a vortex 8 inch sline fan. Remove the back draft damper and it can pull some air. through 4 different 4 inch filters. any way plenty draw but when you reduce the speed with a speed controller it really starts to hum. more of a changing reverberation. really f-ing annoying actually. it slowly gets louder. wrapped a six inch no name in a towel and in a cardboard box and it was way quieter. thinking of just running the old 6 inch on max cause i think it is quieter. by the way the 8" vortex is in a towel box as well. looked sexy but like all hotter women they make more noise.
Heard a great way for a duct muffler. I'd you take a plastic tote and cut and in take excaust port then dull with packing peanuts it should bring the sound of any fan to a reasonable level. Ecescially if you add a speed controller.
Really look into the Sun Leaves Wind Tunnel options. They are close to half the price of some of the fans that have been named....and they are extremely quiet. I have the 6" model and I am ordering another 4" model.
So I need an 8" inline fan... a quiet one.... and I ran across the Vortex S line series. It is advertised to be 25% to 40% quieter than the usual. And it has a built in backdraft damper. It costs 275 CAN$

But.... this Youtube review shows that when running the dbs aren't less than most others... although, it does say the reverberation is much, much less, which does have a quieting effect...

So I went looking for the next best thing, which for price vs. power and such seems to be the Hurricane... for 141 CAN$

I dunno.... which way to go? Or is there another, better option?

If you have any experience with either of these I'd like to hear from you....

The biggest issue with the fans sound carrying is the vibrations being transferred more than the actual sound of the fan. Hang the fan using bungie cords. Not just any bungies either but the heavy duty single black band ones. The others stretch out and lose their elasticity. The band's will soak up the vibration instead of letting it carry through walls and what not. This is the same "high tech" sound deadening system used for some submarine systems.
The biggest issue with the fans sound carrying is the vibrations being transferred more than the actual sound of the fan. Hang the fan using bungie cords. Not just any bungies either but the heavy duty single black band ones. The others stretch out and lose their elasticity. The band's will soak up the vibration instead of letting it carry through walls and what not. This is the same "high tech" sound deadening system used for some submarine systems.
This works great for vibrations sounds and i use chains DSC02176.JPG
Instead of penuts use spray foam... fill that thing up and you can hear a pindrop next to it on full blast!!! Not that penuts wouldnt work, but i think the spay foam really isolates the vibration.

People often concerned it will get hot, it wont. The motor is in line with the fan its cooled by the air it moves through itself...

I used the box mine came in instead of tote, then affixed foiled Styrofoam over it taping seams with that metalic plenum tape, looks pretty legit not all janky and quiet quiet quiet, and its just an amazon middle of road no brand fan.