Let's talk serious SCROG


Well-Known Member
True that. Things can go to hell in a hand basket pretty quick when you start mixing sugar and organics together. You should swing by the DWC root slime cure thread. Lots of excellent info and a really knowledgable gang.
haha yea awesome that you should mention that thread... I just discovered it maybe a week or two ago =D Fantastic info there, great gang... agreed!


Active Member
your not admitting that you tried to grow a plant upside down are you?
I refuse to admit that publicly... lol jk, no i didn't try that but my very first experiment with lst had buds that were drooping almost inverted, I had tied it to the walls on the inside of a closet and couldn't really turn the thing without disrupting the shit out of it so after correcting the front facing branches I just let the back branches do as they may, some of them were sideways and some bent right over. I will admit, my first year growing was a nightmare, looking back at all the mistakes I made is embarrassing to say the least. At one point I built a 1 ft sq flood table... to grow clones in... set to 14/10... with wood glue to seal the myriad of holes I thought I needed to make it work, need I say more? Do I need to mention I put it above my computer tower, assuming the first flood table I ever built wouldn't leak? I can keep going. Thats not even the worse thing I have tried to do, being a rural grower with no internet access and nobody to bounce ideas off of was a train wreck. I was lucky when I finally met an old wood-chuck/red-neck that smoked all day every day and was able to get the fundamentals of indoor growing, it still wasn't great info but without forums like these you kinda do what you can gather from locals and the occasional high times magazine. You are all very lucky to have a place like this as your resource!


Well-Known Member
LOL That is pretty funny shit. yeah, we have all done some stupid shit for sure. My favorite slip ups.

Medicated and then decided to top off my rez. Ohh loook its sunny..I should go for a bike ride!! oh yeah, being high is soo fun. THREE HOURS LATER, I come home..what that noise...there is at least 2" of water in my ENTIRE basement. 10 18gallon shop vacs full.

I once hooked up my dehumidifier and thought..hey, I'll vent the hot air out into my HVAC..I'm so smart. Sitting in bed that night, I thought..."hey, if I am venting the dry air..how is the air in the room getting dry?" dumbass.

Once wired a new 220 line incorrectly. Well, there were some wires touching in the outlet box.. touched my hood with my pliers.. fucking ARC'd like 2" and almost spot welded my piers to the hood. scared the living shit out of me.

and I once tripped during harvest and reeled backwards, only to stomp right on top of the best bud of the group. We called it the "hammer cure" LOL


Well-Known Member
Not really growing related...biggest snafu I have ever had was in college. Mind you, dropping flaming shots of Bacardi 151 all over your face while trying to impress women is NOT a good idea.


Active Member
Not really growing related...biggest snafu I have ever had was in college. Mind you, dropping flaming shots of Bacardi 151 all over your face while trying to impress women is NOT a good idea.
I have a feeling marijuana was also involved so its still counts.


Well-Known Member
theres lots... i think too many too share once i used that spray foam for sealing gaps and got a bunch of it all on my plants.. oops.. remember to insulate the room before your growing in it


Well-Known Member
LOL That is pretty funny shit. yeah, we have all done some stupid shit for sure. My favorite slip ups.

Medicated and then decided to top off my rez. Ohh loook its sunny..I should go for a bike ride!! oh yeah, being high is soo fun. THREE HOURS LATER, I come home..what that noise...there is at least 2" of water in my ENTIRE basement. 10 18gallon shop vacs full.

this made me laught soooooo hard it happens.... im still laughing


Well-Known Member
FYI. If you ever go to the store to buy spray foam, but a little can of acetone. Acetone will quickly and easily dissolve spray foam so that you can actually clean it off of all the shit that you get it on.

Reminds me of a funny story. I was about 10 years old (soo like 1982) and my dad bought one of the first cans of spray foam that I have ever seen. of course he said "don't touch it". sooo...I just had to touch it. sppray foam? what, you mean i press the trigger and foam comes out? WOW! So needless to say, I gave the trigger a little squeeze. nothing came out. so I gave it a nice hard squeeze. TONS of foam started to come out and the trigger was stuck in the fully on position!
Foam is spraying out like mad and I yell "dad!, dad!". My poor dad runs in and grabs the can from me and then proceeds to try to run around and seal all the hose bibs and window gaps and what not while the foam is just pouring out of the can. We had huge yelllow gobs of foam all over the house. I can laugh now as its pretty god damn funny but I remember at the time that I got the belt for that one.


Active Member
Quick update.

Growth has slowed, its just past 30 days of flower so I'm assuming its just my perception, I also got a bit of nute burn. I'm running around 2k ppm and having a bit of ph fluctuation from the small amount of algae still managing to live in my res (I would peroxide treat again but I'm a touch nervous at this stage). I'm hoping it is just nute burn but it may be a deficiency from the algae and ph spikes, I added a bit of N to see if that wouldn't help out. This is my first time growing Violator kush so I'm still trying to figure out what it likes and when.

anyways, heres the pics



Active Member
Any noticeable increase in smell above other strains yet?

BTW, is that the Barney's farm strain?
This is Barney's VK.

Honestly the smell is stronger in veg than in early flower, over the last couple days the smell has increased. They were putting very little energy into trichome production and now that a few small trics have appeared the fuel/skunk smell is becoming apparent but not powerful to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Looking good prof. I think it's Nute burn for sure at 2k ppm. That is pretty heavy duty. I think burn because the leaves are curling down and the tips are fried. Nitrogen hardly ever gets locked out. Any spots or banding?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, pretty much all vertical growth ends by week 4-5 so your probably right..no more vertical. They will just plump up.


Active Member
There are some patches of browning, got out of control before I even caught on, got busy and lazy last week. I think I'm gonna dial it back now that vigorous growth has slowed, I don't think the current nute burn is going to hurt that much but I can't afford it getting worse.


Well-Known Member
It happens, I was mixing 1800 and not circulating a whole lot..like 2 mixes every 24 hours. Saw so tips burning, leaves getting dry and the water coming back to the Rez was around 2100. I backed off to around 1300. Couple of my plants have a little yellowing, can't really put my finger in it..probably light burn as the lamps were a little close and lux reading was at 90,000. Oops!