Let's Use Correct Grammar!

lol yeah They had that crap on the news last year were teachers here can't use red anymore as it was emotionally damaging to kids.I swear if we as a nation coddel and baby these kids anymore we might as well just all wear dresses and see a therapist from day one. Kids are to soft and cry babish now adays and Im saying that as a 32 year old. I see kids now who need a hug daily or have to talk about how thier day made them feel.. Let's get back to basics and get some tough kids so no more crying and shooting everyone in class because they got teased suck it up ya little bitches
lol yeah They had that crap on the news last year were teachers here can't use red anymore as it was emotionally damaging to kids.I swear if we as a nation coddel and baby these kids anymore we might as well just all wear dresses and see a therapist from day one. Kids are to soft and cry babish now adays and Im saying that as a 32 year old. I see kids now who need a hug daily or have to talk about how thier day made them feel.. Let's get back to basics and get some tough kids so no more crying and shooting everyone in class because they got teased suck it up ya little bitches

no kidding glad im not the only one who thinks this way.
Between panzy kids and every place putting up spainish signs and using spainish over the pa at stores Its killing me.What happen to immigration via esimilation? now its we will adjust to you and johnny heres a cookie lets meditate....
you should see people when i tell my kids no blood you are fine. I care about their feelings but i also think they need to learn how to process through them without me holding the hand along the way. I also have straight up farm kids so its a bit diffrent i guess
what is up with people using so many commas, ex. "hey,,yea,i get annoyed, when theyre posts doent make sense,,,"
I've been reading the posts today for about an hour, and here's some doozies I've come across...

1) how long will it take befor i know if i have femails?

2) Be more spacific.....

3) I bet you if you went to there mass they would welcome you with open arms.

4) Theirs a different idea....

5) a plant i would never intend on smokeing

6) Dried animal seaman would be a good source of minerals
I am guilty, I never went to school, never.

Give people a break, dam people live alittle. Why stress the small stuff?

Just sit back and enjoy the comedy show, it's live in here!
you will have to tell me what you think. I wanted to read it again while i was on break, of course that never happened. Back to school in one week, and i just got 80 baby chicks so i have been a busy girl.
you will have to tell me what you think. I wanted to read it again while i was on break, of course that never happened. Back to school in one week, and i just got 80 baby chicks so i have been a busy girl.

From what i've read so far, with 80 baby chicks you're living the book - don't have to read it!
Na wate a minit thar mistar man. I dint lern ta spel like dis in jus any ole skool! Im a kollege gradiate. So kep dem dar feelins to urself ya here? an stop insulatin us smart peeple!

I agree the grammar is off the wall at times. Pot smokers arent idiots (the ones I've known anyway).

It does become annoying at times but truth is thats life in general.

we share this place with 1000s of other individuals who come from all walks of life.

I wouldnt judge a man/woman by their grammatical abilities though thats a huge mistake in my opinion.

However I do agree with you it would be nice to see a community of pot smokers who want to prove to the world we are not idiots nor are we all lazy.

Cleaning up our grammar a bit would certainly make a point. Then again not everyone here is concerned with what people think about them...which, depending on the circumstances, is cool in my opinion. Maybe you could start a class LOL. peace bro