LetsGetCritical's 2nd Grow Mainline Experiment


Well-Known Member
LGC, the plants are looking good this morning, nice and green. Can't stop looking at your avatar, joile has a nice pucker.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I think with some heavy bondage and topping I should be able to start the seeds when I have 4-5 weeks and be safe then. That shouldn't outgrow the 90w LED and a couple CFLs, and if it does, I will just keep topping until I can switch her over.

Plus your doing hempy, which probably grows a bit faster right?
Hbum, just something to keep in mind, plants that start from cuttings grow faster than one started from seed, but only in the beginning. Plants from seed can catch them up and pass them later on, when they grow faster than clones.
(Clones grow faster in the beginning, seeds grow faster later on).

But either way I think the date you've picked will be fine, sometimes it can take ten days to germinate and 7 days to come out of the soil so you never know how much time it will take to get a good root system established and start taking off.

You'll see what I mean once you start popping a few beans; I started forty at once under identical conditions and had all kinds of crazy differences with how they grew and how fast and whatnot. Even using the same strain, its not as consistent as taking a genetic copy of a plant you just grew.


Well-Known Member
I will keep that in mind, as long as I can keep it under control in the little grow box until I have room I will be happy.

I have definitely seen that seed behavior in other plants so it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
No doubt! And LGC, don't be surprised when you walk into your grow room and your plants are all mangled because I scrogged them...

...literally. I'm going to fuck your plants. Your gonna walk in there and see me shaking those bushes and your gonna have to beat me off with a stick.

BTW hbum, another handy piece of advice that I've recently read that you might find useful-- depending on whether the strain is indica or sativa will play a huge role in finding out when the right time to flip to 12/12.

Indicas will only add about 50% of their height during flower, where a pure sativa can double or even triple in height. So say you have two plants, an indica and a sativa, that are 2 feet tall (when you flip to 12/12). The indica will gain 1 foot in flower and wind up 3 feet tall, where the sativa could possibly gain 3-4 feet making it 5 or 6. The book I was reading said that the pure indicas were really consistent with the 50%, but sativas are less predictable. If its a hybrid it will be somewhere in between.

I recently had to tie two of my tops down BC I have an indica and a hybrid going into flower in a few days, and I could already tell there would be a massive difference in canopy height if I didn't.

Figured that info might give you some food for thought with trying to use your space the best and deciding when to put the flip on those bitches.


Well-Known Member
5 bucks says by the time I'm done they'll be stretched so much they're gonna rename the strain to Mr. Fantastic.

What, I can't help it. Your girls are really pretty, and what can I say...
...sometimes when I blow my load, the place turns into a crime scene.

Haha, jeez I need to get some sleep. I'm very sad to tell the world (here at riu) that I have


So I guess cartoons will have to put me to bed tonight. Thank you avengers for being a cool show. I just hope I can find some dank by tomorrow BC I'm going to watch the wolverine and I like to get really high before I watch movies that I know I'm going to like. Not just BC it makes the movie better, but because that way I don't remember what happens and I can watch it for the first time all over again. If I can manage to muster some dabs up I can watch a movie for the first time 3 or 4 times.

...secrets of a stoner...


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, when you were talking about the stretching were you talking about my post to hbum about flower times? What strain do you have going this time, again, i can't remember?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha don't ask me I have no idea what I wrote I've been posting like a damn machine tonight. That's right you're still running the bf critical kush. So when you were talking about them stretching less than 50% did you mean in flower?


Well-Known Member
SAM_3062.jpgSAM_3063.jpgSAM_3065.jpg Some of the new growth is looking particularly yellow, anyone know why this is? just had a flush with 5.8 water, the last feed was just rain, dm gold grow a/b and calmag @1000ppm. They were just put outside for a flush.