its actually vexatious abuse of process on the plaintifs part...... not criminal harassment
surprising part is the judge let it get this far
Makes you wonder. If the judge rules in favor the judge and the prosecutor as well as all the girls probably need to be seriously investigated after it's hopefully overturned on appeal. I'm pretty sure there are a lot
I have not told a life changing lie to a man for a manipulative reason. I disagree that society would collapse without men...women pave roads, build houses...etc...we need men to keep the population moving having said that, we only need a few
You're free to disagree. However I must argue otherwise.
Less than 10% of blue collar work is done by women and it is what keeps society going. 10% would not be enough of a work force to maintain society. There are reasons that have nothing to do with sexism that men wind up at the top of many fields too and it goes back to the evolutionary pressure I was discussing.
Female geniuses are outliers on a bell curve. It is not the case with men. Outliers on the bell curve for men you're talking IQ's over 180. For women you're talking genius level IQ's - this is evolutionary pressure. 2x as many females have been involved in the evolution of our species as have been males as a result of the stuff I outlined above. Similarly with men there are more exceptionally stupid. It's like what we've done with our favorite plant - a lot of times the best lines also have dud plants show up (that might be so awful as to wreck your room, hello hermies) at about a ratio as the really exceptional. It's a result of deliberate evolutionary pressure.
A pretty good article about that there. It should be noted that many of the men that are very high in IQ are also completely struggle to read and perceive other peoples current states of minds and emotions and have a different set of challenges in life as a result. It's yin and yang really. We balance each other beautifully.
Moreover, women just aren't interested in these blue collar and STEM jobs. Yes, probably some would be forced into them and of course there are those who do enjoy them (but they are exceptions), but not before society seriously fell apart - there's only 3 days worth of food in the supply chain at any given time and almost all truck drivers are male as well as farmers and such. The countries with the most equality pushing policies in the world also have the largest divides in various STEM fields. Women in Sweden, by far the most progressive country in the world and also relatively rich, go into child care, nursing and that kind of field almost exclusively. Conversely in more supposedly regressive countries like the Philipines or India where poverty is a much bigger deal they go at a much higher rate into STEM fields because the pay is higher. If you give a male infant pictures to observe he will tend to favor pictures of machines over pictures of people. Females tend to be the opposite. It's not exclusive, like you said there are females involved in these fields. But they are rare, just like males who love to take care of children and such are more rare as it's not really how we've been wired.
All through our evolution we have been complimentary of each other. Only today with modern feminism - which is a very poisonous ideology that blames all men for all problems which is not unlike blaming all jews or any other group for all problems (seriously, read any feminist and replace male/men with Jew and the patriarchy with jewish conspiracy and tell me how they read, it's not pretty - especially when you dig more into their sources and find many of them are complete bunk ie: 1/5 women will be sexually assault on campus - a complete fabrication and myth). They've put us against each other to divide while they conquer. This case with Gregory Allen Elliot is a part of the conquering process (freedom of speech, btw political correctness is a term invented by Marxists in the early communist countries).
Just like anything in politics, it's always about power and who gains it.
Anyway this GAE case is pretty important to everyone here who is going to want to voice opposition to any future policy IMO.