Leveling the light on a mover?

I've been puzzling over this problem for a couple weeks now...

Light Setup.jpg

As you can see the room Im in is pretty low on the right side and I had to shim the track to get it level, check.

The whole system runs fine...no problems with the mover itself...it's the light.

See the level on the light fixture? when the light moves to the far right the light is level [ignore the disconnected intake..its different now] but when the light moves to the far left as shown, the light 'leans' to the right maybe about an inch, gradually increasing the further left it gets.

Is this even a problem if the track and drive motor itself are level and there is no binding?

6ft track centered in room, 3.5' offset light run starts 1ft from left, 1.5ft from right....could be why it only occurs on the left side as it's closer to that wall.
Exhaust fan is on the left...intake port on the right.

I do understand it has 'something' to do with the way the duct is on the left, like it's 'pushing it right...but I've done everything short of disconnecting the duct from the fixture and I can't get it to level up on the left side.

and it isn't the right side 'pulling' either....played with it too...right side seems fine...go figure

Some kind of tie-back or spring from the duct to the wall?? *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem long time ago with a uneven ceiling. here is a pic how I set it up now. I know that lumber is warp unfortunately i went to lowes baked and bought it like that :mrgreen:


I have the same problem long time ago with a uneven ceiling. here is a pic how I set it up now. I know that lumber is warp unfortunately i went to lowes baked and bought it like that :mrgreen:
Ahh, interesting way to keep it off the ceiling, looks like the same AgraMover too...I like the hanger setup below the mover

I don't have a problem with the mover/rail being out of level....that is all ok. It's the light itself, hanging below the mover that is going out of level...something to do with the left duct I guess.


Well-Known Member
It's good old physics. Think about the path of the air as it moves from right to left through the hood. The air on the right side travels down from the fan, hits the bend in the duct, and turns left. This creates a vertical force on the duct at the bend (air traveling down, "pushes" on the far wall of the duct at the bend). Mostly Up/down force, not so much left or right lean. But the air coming out the left side of the hood is traveling horizontally when it hits the bend. This creates mostly horizontal force, and gives it the left or right lean. The lean is more pronounced when the light is all the way to the left because the bend in the duct is tighter the farther it goes.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The thing you have to figure out is due to the ceiling havinga huge bow in the middle downward so its not that the light is crooked the house you have is out of level meaning anything connected to it will be out of wack the light is following a tru path of level. Id build a frame for the mover make sure its level and plumb use a 1x6 for the top board and attach the light mover to that just below the cieling so the unevenes of the house and rood are not what your pulling square from but from the floor and the new rig as that was gravity will not be against you but with you.
The thing you have to figure out is due to the ceiling havinga huge bow in the middle downward so its not that the light is crooked the house you have is out of level meaning anything connected to it will be out of wack the light is following a tru path of level. Id build a frame for the mover make sure its level and plumb use a 1x6 for the top board and attach the light mover to that just below the cieling so the unevenes of the house and rood are not what your pulling square from but from the floor and the new rig as that was gravity will not be against you but with you.
Appreciate the input and yea, the room is out of level probably 1-1/4" wall to wall...10'

I shimmed the track at the ceiling, the mover rail itself is level and operation is fine. Its probably a non-issue and I'm just being picky but shit like this drives me nuts knowing it lol