leves turning yellow

hi ive got a problem i have some plants in veg they are white widow and one atomic the leves on the atomic are yellow but it's growing like crazy and the white widow the leaves are some what green but have yellow spots on them i'am ph at 6.0-6.3 and the nutes are holland secrete someone suggested that the light might be too close but i have it about a 12" up from the plants any help will be appreciated:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Is the plant cowering? You know leaves trying to wrap around it to protect it from the 1,000watter? Way to close my brother move that sucker as high as you can and let the plant grow into the space!! Believe me it's you causing this with watt's.....Wishing you the best my friend!

J and J

i was thinking the same thing the light is a 1000 hps if it is a nitrogen problem what do you suggest
I don't know much but I've read you should try to PH your water closer to 6.5 and/or try not to over water your plants because that causes the nutes to be washed away.
Or over feeding. Could be a nitrogen lockout.

BUT, it may simply be the 1000W light being too close.