LGBT Marriage - Are All Men Are Created Equally?..

This is not a gay thing, or an economic thing, it is a religious thing!! The religious far right comservative gun nut wackos want America to be run by the bible!! They want to pick and choose the parts of the constitution that they agree with and force their will on the rest!! They don't care that "All men are created equal", they don't care that there is a "separation of church and state", but, the 2nd Amendment is also an Amendment to the bible, therefore it can not be fucked with!!

i do have to say i agree with this..GOP is imploding..they DO want to pick and for 2nd amendment?..i don't think our founding fathers understood there what the future held when they included this ..and the bible?..self-explanatory..prehistoric
i do have to say i agree with this..GOP is imploding..they DO want to pick and for 2nd amendment?..i don't think our founding fathers understood there what the future held when they included this ..and the bible?..self-explanatory..prehistoric

I disagree about the second amendment. I believe they knew, even with the minor advances in their time, that a day would come when firearms would be far more advanced and deadly. The intent of the amendment, as I see it, is so that regular citizens like you and I could execute our patriotic duty to overthrow a tyrannical government should it come to pass. Citizens in America have a right and a duty to safeguard against tyranny, and in order to do that, we must have tools of war available.

Personally I do not own a firearm, I would be a danger to the general public with one, but I feel like I have an understanding of the intent of the amendment. If you disagree, I'm cool with that. Freedom.

Peace and Happiness.
I think maybe they didn't like the fact that it was republicans fighting for the rights of black americans.

People tend to forget it was the republicans who made it happen.

and the repubs were like dems and vice versa..haven't you seen "streets of ny" with daniel day lewis?
I just dont see why all gays are such bigots when it comes to polygamy.
Government should get out of the business of marriage. No benefits for married people at all. Then this argument goes away. You can go find your own church that will grant "Holy Matrimony" for you. Whether it be guy/gal, 2 dudes, or a girl and 3 sheep (get me that video please).
"Civil Marriage" is just a tax collection scheme

ding, ding, ding, ding, and we have a winner!

rawn pawl lost, get over it.
I watched LINCOLN last night (was blown away) and I'd like to know why fed is leaving this up to states when this is a constitutional right? LGBT has been since the dawn of time..who are we or ANYONE to tell another human being who they can love and how they can benefit from that love?

I'll be taking questions..let's go to the phones..rofl

The states have always had the power over marriage. They are the ones giving out marriage lisences not the Feds. This is why it may come down to a state level issue and reasoning why DOMA could be unconstitutional. The consitution doesnt speciifcally mention marriage. Therefor it can not be assumed to be a "constitutional right". Now I believe anyone should marry anyone so id hope the majority of states would decide for same sex marriage. However the thinking that the supreme court might call this a state level jurisdiction case makes sense.
I want to know why I gotta pay taxes when a deceased relative gifts me a car. Well not me... but my brother.

Inheritances shouldn't be taxed. That is just retarded.
+10 ..... but why should such rights be denied single people? why should i not have a right to leave property to who ever is closest to me..right to make the decision for my terminally ill brother/roommate ..right to health insurance on their partner's family plan and so on, why limit this partnership to those who are sexually active together?

single people are not denied the right to make a will, or power of attorney, or anything else.

is this what this is all about? you poor, persecuted single people?

fucking ridiculous.
thats because there is no separation of church and state. You and your libtard christian hating friends made that up.

ah, here we go.

the same people bemoaning sharia law in this thread are wanting to impose their christian sharia law.

there is a seperation of church and state, it is stated right in the first amendment.

you just had to go and make me call you a retard. you poor, persecuted christians. you guys have had such a rough go of things in this nation.
I think maybe they didn't like the fact that it was republicans fighting for the rights of black americans.

key word: WAS.

that all ended in the 1960's and 1970's when the GOP pursued the southern strategy, aka catering to the bigoted fears of southerners (dixiecrats).

it worked well for a while, but now it is a loser's strategy. demographics are destiny, and you guys are on the wrong side. it's no wonder you want to keep as many people from voting as possible.
You always know your winning the argument when a liberal radical starts calling people names..Liberals are tolerant of everyone as long as they share the same views. Many many people oppose gay marriage. Pathetic old fuck!


i should go ahead and post all the vile things you have spewed in the politics section.

you are going to look so stupid in another 40 years, very similar to the morons who opposed desegregation.

go be a tool elsewhere.
ask teddy roosevelt, the republican who championed the idea.

Hey I don't argue that we have had some retarded republicans. The republican party has really shifted from it's original focus.

I agree with alot of the things you say about the republicans and their hipocracy.

You have no enemy here. =)
Hey I don't argue that we have had some retarded republicans. The republican party has really shifted from it's original focus.

I agree with alot of the things you say about the republicans and their hipocracy.

You have no enemy here. =)

i count you as one of the good ones. i like eisenhower republicans like you.
key word: WAS.

that all ended in the 1960's and 1970's when the GOP pursued the southern strategy, aka catering to the bigoted fears of southerners (dixiecrats).

it worked well for a while, but now it is a loser's strategy. demographics are destiny, and you guys are on the wrong side. it's no wonder you want to keep as many people from voting as possible.

Would love to talk more about this. =) Point me in the right direction.

I am always looking to learn.

(I have never liked any of the "popular" republican candidates. They always come across as boisterous, divisive, or just head up their asses. I really disliked romney. Romney, perry and santorum were the worst this last election.)

Edit: Lol i know you hate having to educate people, so I'll just take my happy ass to the library next week. I need some new reading material.
Would love to talk more about this. =) Point me in the right direction.

I am always looking to learn.

(I have never liked any of the "popular" republican candidates. They always come across as boisterous, divisive, or just head up their asses. I really disliked romney. Romney, perry and santorum were the worst this last election.)

Edit: Lol i know you hate having to educate people, so I'll just take my happy ass to the library next week. I need some new reading material.

the southern strategy is what flipped the south from blue to red at the cost of being on the right side of history.
why does everyone hate bigots.All these rainbow flag wavers don't want to be hated but in turn they hate.So really the gays or lesbians are really no different.Go figure.
who doesn't hate a biggot? logic is flawed there. my straight mother hates biggots and so does my lesbian girlfriend.

OP if you are worried about the tax burden married gay couples could cause the country then marriage should be outlawed, PERIOD.

idk even as a lesbian i find the topic old and tired on these forums. kind of like a cow chewing on the same cud all day.

if you have heartfelt convictions PLEASE go out and actually DO something. call your political representatives and let them know what you think.
