Liberals - I want a divorce


Well-Known Member
Except that that's not true. read the small arms treaty they are trying to sneakily pass. Hillary Clinton is all too willing to go along with an all-encompassing gun grab which has been the UN’s dream for some time now. In fact, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton just announced the Obama Administration would be working hand in glove with the U.N. to pass a new “Small Arms Treaty.”
IT WOULD ALLOW THE UN TO BAN ANY ALL GUNS FOR NO REASON! First of all, since when the fuck does the UN decided what we, as a sovereign nation, get to do/not do. Fuck the globalists!
Also, has anyone woken up to the fact that republicans, democrats, and so on are all "basically" the same...they blame one another for problems, leap frog over each other with each election, and our situation never gets better. Seems that they are all owned by the same "special" interests....hmmm...The Constitution won't steer you wrong my friends...
Let me guess. You picked up that little tid bit from here possibly?

I am PRO GUN all the way and I will be damned if the UN of all organizations is gonna take them away. But I hate to inform you of this. You have fallen hook line and sinker for a huge conservative pile of hyperbole and fear mongering. For starters, the Obama Administration isn't working "hand in glove with the UN" in creating a small arms treaty. In fact the Obama Administration isn't working with the UN on a small arms treaty PERIOD!!!! All Hillary Clinton did when prompted by the UN is say the US will support TALKS about a small arms treaty as long as it operates under the rules of consensus meaning it would have to be unanimous! That has less than a snowballs chance in hell of happening and everybody knows it which is why Oxfam and Amnesty International have actually criticized the decision. This isn't even an issue on the NRA's radar so that should tell you all you need to know. The other thing that should always raise a red flag is fear mongering that asks you to donate money to fight it!


Active Member
Ok, how about we get the blue states and you can have the red ones...?

Oh, and if you think the UN is coming to get your guns, you would probably do well to get some education or psychiatric help, one or the other. The UN can't even take away guns from militias in congo. And why do you think you are so important that anyone would want to take your guns away in the first place?

And i'm glad that america is finally getting on board with the small-arms treaty. America does manufacture and export a lot of guns. It's a big part of the drug war in mexico that doesn't get much play. Having this treaty makes it harder for these kind of guys to get guns:

The Lord's Resistance Army (also Lord's Resistance Movement or Lakwena Part Two) is a sectarian Christian militant group based in northern Uganda.
The group was formed in 1987 and is engaged in an armed rebellion against the Ugandan government in what is now one of Africa's longest-running conflicts. It is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the "spokesperson" of God and a spirit medium, primarily of the Holy Spirit, which the Acholi believe can represent itself in many manifestations.[3]
The group asserts itself to be Christian[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] and is influenced[11] by a blend of Mysticism,[12] Islam,[13][14][15][16][17][18][19]and traditional religion,[20] and claims to be establishing a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments and Acholi tradition.[3][13][14][21] The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including murder, abduction, mutilation, sexual enslavement of women and children, and forcing children to participate in hostilities.[22]
The LRA operates mainly in northern Uganda, but also in parts of Sudan, Central African Republic and DR Congo.[23][24] The LRA is currently proscribed as a terrorist organization by the United States.[25][26]


Active Member
Dragline, i actually listen to the alex jones show at work.
Abe, mexican "troops" keep being spotted in texas for no good reasnon and the drug cartels are killing quite a few americans. The drug war in mexico is not what you think. Mexico is very corrupt. The drug cartels have all but shut the country down and for the most part, their wonderful president is in on it.
Also, look up other UN treaties/programs that were never ratified, but are being phased in without law....
Ever heard of Agenda 21?
Kinda drifting off topic, but, Also, keep in mind, the media puts up a pretty good front about how more gun control is needed, but so did hitler, mao, and stalin.


Well-Known Member
Dragline, i actually listen to the alex jones show at work.
Why didn't you say so!? That changes everything! :roll: There is NOTHING factually inaccurate about what I said. How about you and Alex look it up for yourselves. Once again, what you posted isn't even a blip on the screen of the NRA probably because they realize that by agreeing to talks ONLY under the rules of consensus is pretty much a diplomatic way of saying "not interested".


Well-Known Member
Ya right. Have fun with a country full of rascist, uneducated, corporate schills. The souths motto "guns, god and incest"


Well-Known Member
umm hey how about we all come together to rid this country of the Fed and the "Money Trust"?? What do you say? How many of you think that all these too big to fail banks should be able to make bad decisions over and over again and "We the people" will just bail them out with the sweat off our brow every time?


Well-Known Member
Thats what we want to do. The only way to do that is give the govt. The ability to regulate the banks and actually throw in people who want to regulate the banks. Not these corporate whores who do the regulating atm.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the National Rifle Association and the military.
My viewpoints are mostly liberal, however, come try to take my guns. I'll give 'em to ya bullets first. You can keep wal-mart.

Seriously people, this whole liberal/conservative argument that is tearing up America is pointless, and counterproductive. If you really pay attention, both sides are represented by soulless corporate whores that are completely full of shit. And most Americans are somewhere in the middle of the road with their viewpoints, not extreme cons or libs, but you tend to hear the extremes in the news, and on tv.