Cloud City
New Member
lol you don't have one good argument. what proof do you have that Obama's fixing the economy? and what proof do you have that his healthcare will help the economy?
you sir, gobble up everything MSNBC or whatever network you watch in the little bubble they've created for you. If they don't report something, it's not news to them so in turn, not news to you. the information you recieve is filtered to keep your tiny little liberal mind in check so you dont think about such things like individual liberties being hijacked in the cover of darkness by this administration.
I still dont get how there are so many of you small minded, big govt lovers out there. you really think that the govt is out there and governing on your behalf? get a fucking clue numb-nuts!
President Obama has already turned the economy around and prevented a depression, open a newspaper if you don't believe me.
Also, I am a Conservative who has watched FOX news daily for the past 10 years so you won't pull the wool over my eyes but nice try.