Life in occupied Palestine.


Well-Known Member
why is this our problem?

I know i know, America constantly sticks its nose into other people business, but what if we stop, what if we just stop interfering and just let then sort it out? Is what happens on our conscience, can we be held responsible internationally? Should our tax dollars be spent playing big brother to the world to try and stop what "we consider" injustices? but then there is the oil we depend so heavily on...... but i'm not sure that has anything do with Israel.

we spend so much time contemplating how to solve the worlds problems when i feel we have enough of our own problems to worry about to keep us busy for quiet some time.

This is a isolated conflict between 2 independent factions that does not require our interference. It has little to no chance of spreading to become any major threat to us.
It is our problem. It's not unlikely to spread, it is spreading.

IMO, we are all, including myself missing many of the points. My nephew straightened me out over Thanksgiving.

1 - genetically Palestinians and Israeli's are identical. And this group is unlike any of the other regional gene pools.
2 - The claims on the land, historically are identical back to 2500 BC.
3 - a big portion of Israel's citizens, around 20 % are Muslim Arabs, mostly calling themselves Palestinian.
4 - These Arab citizens are in mostly the Northern Territories. They don't consider themselves occupied by the evil Zionist.
5 - the West Bank came to be when Jordan kicked out the population across the river to exile for fomenting revolt and Black Sunday.
6 - West Bank is quite orderly and under semi-self rule by Abbas. The trash gets picked up, streets are policed. Yet they took some missiles from Gaza crazy land.
7 - The few security fences to make the teeshirt jihad stand down are working.
8 - There is a Palestinian on the Israels Supreme Court
9 - The Palestinians have representation at about 20% in the Parliament.
10 - The Gaza strip was a fountain filled, verdant beach Paradise and a money maker tourist spot, when Israel was running it.

This last temper tantrum of Hamas was the opening negotiations about the F-16s and the Sharia Constitution for the Muslim Brotherhood. When Hillary got there to OK the deal, the Missiles stopped. But, they were able to saturate an Iron Dome and Israel learned a little lesson about re-supply.

We didn't cause this...maybe. But we are busy selling advanced weapons to both sides and still just nattering about Iran. When everyone wants a fight. The fight will happen.

I don't don't take sides.


Active Member
It is our problem. It's not unlikely spread, it is spreading.

IMO, you are all, including myself missing many of the points. My nephew straightened me out over Thanksgiving.

1 - genetically Palestinians and Israeli's are identical. And this group is unlike any of the other regional gene pools.
2 - The claims on the land, historically are identical back to 2500 BC.
3 - a big portion of Israel's citizens, around 20 % are Muslim Arabs, mostly calling themselves Palestinian.
4 - the West Bank came to be when Jordan kicked out the population across the river to exile for fomenting revolt and Black Sunday.
4 - These Arab citizens are in mostly the Northern Territories. They don't consider themselves occupied by the evil Zionist.
5 - West Bank is quite orderly and under semi-self rule by Abbas. The trash gets picked up, streets are policed. Yet they took some missiles from Gaza crazy land.
6 - The few security fences to make the teeshirt jihad stand down are working.
7 - There is a Palestinian on the Israels Supreme Court
8 - The Palestinians have representation at about 20% in the Parliament.
9 - The Gaza strip was a fountain filled, verdant beach Paradise and a money maker tourist spot, when Isreal was running it.
10 - This last temper tantrum of Hamas was the opening negotiations about the F-16s and the Sharia Constitution for the Muslim Brotherhood. When Hillary got there to OK the deal, the Missiles stopped. But, they were able to saturate an Iron Dome and Israel learned a little lesson about re-supply.

We didn't cause this...maybe. But we are busy selling advanced weapons to both sides and still just nattering about Iran. When everyone wants a fight. The fight will happen.

I don't don't take sides.
I'm not positive but I don't see how any of that involves the US, other than the suggestion that we are making $$$ selling weapons to them, but there is just no way we are making as much as it is costing us. And then at the end you say "I don't take sides", which is pretty much the same thing i was suggesting.


Well-Known Member
It is our problem. It's not unlikely spread, it is spreading.

IMO, you are all, including myself missing many of the points. My nephew straightened me out over Thanksgiving.

1 - genetically Palestinians and Israeli's are identical. And this group is unlike any of the other regional gene pools.
2 - The claims on the land, historically are identical back to 2500 BC.
3 - a big portion of Israel's citizens, around 20 % are Muslim Arabs, mostly calling themselves Palestinian.
4 - the West Bank came to be when Jordan kicked out the population across the river to exile for fomenting revolt and Black Sunday.
4 - These Arab citizens are in mostly the Northern Territories. They don't consider themselves occupied by the evil Zionist.
5 - West Bank is quite orderly and under semi-self rule by Abbas. The trash gets picked up, streets are policed. Yet they took some missiles from Gaza crazy land.
6 - The few security fences to make the teeshirt jihad stand down are working.
7 - There is a Palestinian on the Israels Supreme Court
8 - The Palestinians have representation at about 20% in the Parliament.
9 - The Gaza strip was a fountain filled, verdant beach Paradise and a money maker tourist spot, when Isreal was running it.
10 - This last temper tantrum of Hamas was the opening negotiations about the F-16s and the Sharia Constitution for the Muslim Brotherhood. When Hillary got there to OK the deal, the Missiles stopped. But, they were able to saturate an Iron Dome and Israel learned a little lesson about re-supply.

We didn't cause this...maybe. But we are busy selling advanced weapons to both sides and still just nattering about Iran.
When everyone wants a fight. The fight will happen.

I don't don't take sides.
Your nephew is a fucking moron. Nobody is selling Palestine advanced weapons. Land claims have not been identical for 4500 years.

The Israeli state is a nonsecular occupation of Palestine. Prior to it's existence, Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together harmoniously.

You clearly take sides, you describe the Arabs as children who are incapable of self rule and the Israelis as somehow fostering paradise.


Active Member
Your nephew is a fucking moron. Nobody is selling Palestine advanced weapons. Land claims have not been identical for 4500 years.

The Israeli state is a nonsecular occupation of Palestine. Prior to it's existence, Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together harmoniously.

You clearly take sides, you describe the Arabs as children who are incapable of self rule and the Israelis as somehow fostering paradise.
snicker, snicker


Well-Known Member
snicker, snicker
The only time that this area has been peaceful was under Muslim rule. Now we have zionists using extremely seldom and sporadic incidents of Jewish repression (fewer per capita than Jews in New York have endured historically) to justify apartheid.


Well-Known Member
Your nephew is a fucking moron. Nobody is selling Palestine advanced weapons. Land claims have not been identical for 4500 years.

The Israeli state is a nonsecular occupation of Palestine. Prior to it's existence, Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together harmoniously.

You clearly take sides, you describe the Arabs as children who are incapable of self rule and the Israelis as somehow fostering paradise.
I'm sure it burns your butt as always when we disagree. And you get so spitting mad you didn't even read it. I said West Bank is well ordered, fool. And every single point, my nephew and I looked up, debated and concluded. More than you have ever done. We sell the weapons to the Brotherhood, you vast and empty headed pea brain. Not Palestinians who are the same racial as the Israelis.

So, Gaza is run by the manics Hamas, not Palestinians. The Authority of Palestine is the West Bank, you ignorant slut.

The Brotherhood and Hamas are same/same, you incompetent. The war is HAMAS. They want it and they won't stop.

And you are the willing, bend over, whore of the, women aren't people, Sharia that hides the Gestapo.

On this I will take sides. My side. Go wipe your face.You got Hamas jiz dripping.

It's not my nephew that you don't know, tiz you, are the idiot we do know.


Active Member
The only time that this area has been peaceful was under Muslim rule. Now we have zionists using extremely seldom and sporadic incidents of Jewish repression (fewer per capita than Jews in New York have endured historically) to justify apartheid.
the area has been in near constant war since biblical times. sure there are short stints of peace when a powerful nation is ruling, but in the end it has always led back conflict over social tension among the population.


Active Member
Obama should just ban all guns and explosives in the Middle East. With guns and explosives banned there will be no violence, problem solved..... damn I could be the next President with all these great ideas.


Well-Known Member
Says you and Hamas....better swallowing?
You're the dumb ass who thinks Sharia Lawl is the embodiment of the Gestapo. Mean while Palestinians live in ghettos reminiscent of those the Jews were confined to under Hitler.

I'll take the word of a Palestinian over your idiot nephew as to the living conditions in occupied Palestine.


Active Member
Well don't blame the Muslims if another 9/11 happens. The occupation of Muslim land is what causes radicalization not a 'backward religion'


New Member
Israel must withdraw all settlers or face ICC, says UN report

Israel must withdraw all settlers from the West Bank or potentially face a case at the international criminal court (ICC) for serious violations of international law, says a report by a United Nations agency that was immediately dismissed in Jerusalem as "counterproductive and unfortunate".

All settlement activity in occupied territory must cease "without preconditions" and Israel "must immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers", said the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Israel, it said, was in violation of article 49 of the fourth Geneva convention, which forbids the transfer of civilian populations to occupied territory.

The settlements were "leading to a creeping annexation that prevents the establishment of a contiguous and viable Palestinian state and undermines the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination," it said.
Let's see how Israel will lie it's way out of it


New Member
i hope u blow up the statue of liberty this time............then u get the fight u want
They been giving you a fight for 10 plus years now and the best you can manage is to move them from country to country...

The war of terror needs more "realtors"...


Well-Known Member
Well don't blame the Muslims if another 9/11 happens. The occupation of Muslim land is what causes radicalization not a 'backward religion'
What we see today, the Gestapo not only caused when Rommel was in North Africa, they had it still at the end, with the viciousness centered in Syria and, Egypt.

So,. ABC is correct, everyone was living relatively peacefully Coptics, Jews, Muslims, even Hindus in the area. That is until Stalin, in the 1920s began to export Jews wholesale. His purge included a sickening tract about the Elders of Zion. Now at the opening of WW2, Gestapo elements needed turmoil. Paving the way for Rommel to push into the Soviet oil fields in through Syria. They distributed far and wide, what has become the Gaza bible, by the ton. You can buy it today.

ABC, wants to blame the USA for this. Wrong. The Nazi brought the hate for Jews and built on the Stalin Lies, the Nazi is cloaked in Sharia today. And in Sharia, we who have a secular state and not an Ayatollah are blasphemers to be put to death as soon as it is practicable.

So, Nazi sympathizers almost got us the first time around. Now the Fools for Palestine don't even know what they sympathize with. Hamas/Gestapo/Brotherhood Many understand this. Many laugh just like they did in 1939.


Well-Known Member
What we see today, the Gestapo not only caused when Rommel was in North Africa, they had it still at the end, with the viciousness centered in Syria and, Egypt.

So,. ABC is correct, everyone was living relatively peacefully Coptics, Jews, Muslims, even Hindus in the area. That is until Stalin, in the 1920s began to export Jews wholesale. His purge included a sickening tract about the Elders of Zion. Now at the opening of WW2, Gestapo elements needed turmoil. Paving the way for Rommel to push into the Soviet oil fields in through Syria. They distributed far and wide, what has become the Gaza bible, by the ton. You can buy it today.

ABC, wants to blame the USA for this. Wrong. The Nazi brought the hate for Jews and built on the Stalin Lies, the Nazi is cloaked in Sharia today. And in Sharia, we who have a secular state and not an Ayatollah are blasphemers to be put to death as soon as it is practicable.

So, Nazi sympathizers almost got us the first time around. Now the Fools for Palestine don't even know what they sympathize with. Hamas/Gestapo/Brotherhood Many understand this. Many laugh just like they did in 1939.
WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with the occupation of Palestine???!!!

You telling me, the Nazi's, Hitler is to fucking blame for the occupation of Palestine?
Look at the maps on Post 2. You came into the thread with ad hominems and and blame it on Hitler?

I want some of your weed homie. What are you drinking?