Life in occupied Palestine.


Ursus marijanus
So, you are a school teacher, gonna scold me? A Psychiatrist? Diagnose me with a -phobia?

Naw, just a dirt punk calling names. Oh poor burrka boys. Boo Hoo. Indonesian Jihad is coming to Australia. This has nothing to do with religion and you guys are so dense it's like boxing with a blind guy.

I have much much less angst and ass at Islam than I do at Christianity. Shows how stupid people can become when challenged.

BTW, I happen to think Buddhism takes the cake for their Sin and Guilt for countless past lives. I am against organized religion. I have expressed that. So, go play in traffic?

NOT RELIGION you meager sophist. Jihad. It's not holy war, it's conquest, especially of women. Women become chattel in Jihad.

You burrka boys will be put to a special use saved for the dupes. The dupes that think this is religion. You, DOLT!

I keep saying Gestapo/Sharia. You relate that to Church on Sunday? Grow up. Face the cruel world. Oh, that's right, no guns. It's OK, Jihad will bring guns.
I do not believe the concept of sin exists in Buddhism. cn


Well-Known Member
I do not believe the concept of sin exists in Buddhism. cn
Oh but it does. Karma. Born into original sin that you alone originated. And you are now directly receiving God's correction protocols. It's worse than Chrtianity in that you are never going to heaven until 61 Laks of the Dharma wheel have gone by. And maybe not even then.

Christianity has a "saved from sin" card. In Buddhist cultures they traditionally made no efforts for charity. Blind kids, for example can't be helped because they have to pay back the karma. Stuff like that is the dark underbelly of the East, that is hidden from us because we don' really care.

That was Buddha's deal. Asceticism. Get by will nothing. But that alone won't "save" you. It takes the Buddha, of course.

Buddha mom even claimed an immaculate conception. Good stuff for the Hebrews, 500 years later) People have a hard time understanding, when the world was young, we walked. Alexander the Macedon, marched his troop, 11K miles.
Marco Polo and his father and uncle walk back and froth from China to Italy, several times. It only takes a few years.

That's how this spreads. All religions use the local superstitions for control. And in fact, been at it for so long, now mosty all superstitions are religious. The very seriously taken superstitious, I mean.


Well-Known Member
Only because it can't rattle it's sabre without the US standing behind it with a big gun!
That's not true, That's what HAMAS says. Did we help in the series of wars that began the first day? No. We were sure it would be over in a week. It was, but Israel won. Hmmmm?.

Did we help in this last dust up? NO. We help remind the Brotherhood of Camp David. Then we OKed the release of funds for advanced weapons, they will turn against Iran when the time comes. Or our electronic back door lockouts will nude the operators if they turn them on Israel. That's Camp David for real, IMO.

We brokered Camp David with Egypt for Peace. Israel defend the Sinai and the Golan on their own. They busted Saddam's reactor, we didn't.

We give $billions to Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. And if HAMAS would just change the charter to realize the situation, we'd give them money and weapons too.

We are at war with Iran, young Sir. They declared on us when they ousted the Shah.

I guess they teach nothing but social study lies in High School, these days. It's not so simple.


Well-Known Member
Oh but it does. Karma. Born into original sin that you alone originated. And you are now directly receiving God's correction protocols. It's worse than Chrtianity in that you are never going to heaven until 61 Laks of the Dharma wheel have gone by. And maybe not even then.

Christianity has a "saved from sin" card. In Buddhist cultures they traditionally made no efforts for charity. Blind kids, for example can't be helped because they have to pay back the karma. Stuff like that is the dark underbelly of the East, that is hidden from us because we don' really care.

That was Buddha's deal. Asceticism. Get by will nothing. But that alone won't "save" you. It takes the Buddha, of course.

Buddha mom even claimed an immaculate conception. Good stuff for the Hebrews, 500 years later) People have a hard time understanding, when the world was young, we walked. Alexander the Macedon, marched his troop, 11K miles.
Marco Polo and his father and uncle walk back and froth from China to Italy, several times. It only takes a few years.

That's how this spreads. All religions use the local superstitions for control. And in fact, been at it for so long, now mosty all superstitions are religious. The very seriously taken superstitious, I mean.
That's total bullshit, Buddhas mantra regarding higher powers was "speculation in matters of faith is wasteful".

And the main tenet is learning the impermenance of material things, it's not a "deny yourself because you like whipping yourself" type deal.

Also Buddha promoted balance, so eating shitloads of food isn't good, but neither is denying oneself sustenance.

You're more thinking of Hindus.


Well-Known Member
Well there are many tribes of Buddhists and Hindus. Then mix in Taoist philosophy on a continent that is known for the "spiritual foot," and I just call it the Aryan-Lau Tsu triad of religions.

I've experienced quite a bit about this in my woo-woo days and then later in sort of a forensic search for the origins of One God theory.

So, I'm not talking about the teaching or even the actual, doubtful, existent of the Three Deities on earth. I'm simply talking about the practice of mid-northern Buddhism, the roof of the world, Tibet. The Dali Lama.

In practice it was western doctors that began the only orphanage for blind kids. To see the reasoning of adults and the kids, showed me, yet again, the concept of sin. They must atone for past lives. Buddhism preaches compassion, not mercy.

Hindu sects worship a multitude of God-forms and have mercy for snakes, rats, cows, insects (Jain) But, they still have karmic sin in the mix.

No one would school these kids, in a land where every child is tutored in the Monastery. <shrug> Karma, ne?

It is the most fatalistic of all outlooks, imo. Islam and Evangelicals are also very fatalistic. Protestants, not so much. Free will.

All religions have expediency on one page and high ideals on the next. And all religions change. You seem to be taking about Europe's version of Lord Buddha's teaching. Peace and love. Sure. All religion is open to any practice you want to justify. That's my point. And my friend, Japan's version is quite strict, not peace and love. Duty to ancestors, to help ward shame for the next reincarnation. Everyone sees it differently...especially the Dali Lama, (blessing be to his name)

It is a grass is greener thing to me. Where I live, they don't say Buddhism is even a religion. That's because it's a religion for liberals. It's a lifestyle.

OK, but to think that Buddhism is basically different from any other I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Well there are many tribes of Buddhists and Hindus. Then mix in Taoist philosophy on a continent that is known for the "spiritual foot," and I just call it the Aryan-Lau Tsu triad of religions.

I've experienced quite a bit about this in my woo-woo days and then later in sort of a forensic search for the origins of One God theory.

So, I'm not talking about the teaching or even the actual, doubtful, existent of the Three Deities on earth. I'm simply talking about the practice of mid-northern Buddhism, the roof of the world, Tibet. The Dali Lama.

In practice it was western doctors that began the only orphanage for blind kids. To see the reasoning of adults and the kids, showed me, yet again, the concept of sin. They must atone for past lives. Buddhism preaches compassion, not mercy.

Hindu sects worship a multitude of God-forms and have mercy for snakes, rats, cows, insects (Jain) But, they still have karmic sin in the mix.

No one would school these kids, in a land where every child is tutored in the Monastery. <shrug> Karma, ne?

It is the most fatalistic of all outlooks, imo. Islam and Evangelicals are also very fatalistic. Protestants, not so much. Free will.

All religions have expediency on one page and high ideals on the next. And all religions change. You seem to be taking about Europe's version of Lord Buddha's teaching. Peace and love. Sure. All religion is open to any practice you want to justify. That's my point. And my friend, Japan's version is quite strict, not peace and love. Duty to ancestors, to help ward shame for the next reincarnation. Everyone sees it differently...especially the Dali Lama, (blessing be to his name)

It is a grass is greener thing to me. Where I live, they don't say Buddhism is even a religion. That's because it's a religion for liberals. It's a lifestyle.

OK, but to think that Buddhism is basically different from any other I don't think so.
Oh I know it is a crazy full blown religion in many places but ironically Buddha would face-palm at the idea.


Ursus marijanus
Well there are many tribes of Buddhists and Hindus. Then mix in Taoist philosophy on a continent that is known for the "spiritual foot," and I just call it the Aryan-Lau Tsu triad of religions.

I've experienced quite a bit about this in my woo-woo days and then later in sort of a forensic search for the origins of One God theory.

So, I'm not talking about the teaching or even the actual, doubtful, existent of the Three Deities on earth. I'm simply talking about the practice of mid-northern Buddhism, the roof of the world, Tibet. The Dali Lama.

In practice it was western doctors that began the only orphanage for blind kids. To see the reasoning of adults and the kids, showed me, yet again, the concept of sin. They must atone for past lives. Buddhism preaches compassion, not mercy.

Hindu sects worship a multitude of God-forms and have mercy for snakes, rats, cows, insects (Jain) But, they still have karmic sin in the mix.

No one would school these kids, in a land where every child is tutored in the Monastery. <shrug> Karma, ne?

It is the most fatalistic of all outlooks, imo. Islam and Evangelicals are also very fatalistic. Protestants, not so much. Free will.

All religions have expediency on one page and high ideals on the next. And all religions change. You seem to be taking about Europe's version of Lord Buddha's teaching. Peace and love. Sure. All religion is open to any practice you want to justify. That's my point. And my friend, Japan's version is quite strict, not peace and love. Duty to ancestors, to help ward shame for the next reincarnation. Everyone sees it differently...especially the Dali Lama, (blessing be to his name)

It is a grass is greener thing to me. Where I live, they don't say Buddhism is even a religion. That's because it's a religion for liberals. It's a lifestyle.

OK, but to think that Buddhism is basically different from any other I don't think so.
Buddhism has no theology, no gods, no soul-concept. There are religions under the Buddhist umbrella, but they had to import the above concepts which have no connection to Buddha's teachings. cn


Well-Known Member
Buddhism has no theology, no gods, no soul-concept. There are religions under the Buddhist umbrella, but they had to import the above concepts which have no connection to Buddha's teachings. cn
Well, no. I don't think so. It is impossible to know what are the teachings of Buddha. There is a religion of Buddha, he was said to be an actual person. But, the roots of Hindu and Buddhist ritual are lost in the Ayran invasions through 2500 BCE.

It is a very superstitious. Full of Ghosts and Demons. And this is from the commonly called, Teachings of Buddha. I just grabbed one translation at random.

Chapter 3
Buddhists do not believe that death is the end of life. When one dies, one's consciousness leaves and enters one of the six paths of rebirth.

  • Heavenly Beings

  • Humans

  • Asuras are beings who have many good things in life, but still like to fight. They appear in the heavens or on earth as people or animals.

  • Hungry ghosts are beings who suffer from constant hunger.

  • Hell-beings

These are the six states on the wheel of life. At the top are the heavens, where everyone is happy. Below are the hells where the suffering is unbearable. Beings can rise or fall from one path to another. If one does good deeds, one will be born into the paths of gods, humans, or asuras. If one does evil deeds, one will be born into the paths of animals, hungry ghosts, or hell-beings. From one life to the next one can suddenly change from an human to an animal or from a ghost to a hell-being, according to the things one has done.

Much has been said, like in Christianity. I'm surprised to hear you say it that way, but I realize it is the European/American version only.

Himself is said to have uttered this. So, he was not proposing religion, but that's also the excuse the followers of Jesus use.

"There have been many Buddhas before me and will be many Buddhas in the future," The Buddha recalled to his disciples. "All living beings have the Buddha nature and can become Buddhas."

I don't really see a historical basis for any of the big 3 from Asia. Lau Tsu, Krishna, or Buddha. (all glory too, to the highest praise)

It seems the most godly thing is to say, "I'm not GOD!" Many of the older stories of The Buddha, have him praying for guidance to Vishnu. (the father in the immaculate his elephant visage.)

That was before the West turned it into No God, not religion and so liberals can have that.

And really much of the world looks at it like this.
The fact that the earliest Buddhist texts, such as the Pali Jatakas, mention Buddha's birth as King Rama, Kapila, Janaka, is called "Mahapurusha" and Purushottama and Narasiha shows that Buddha is none other than Vishnu himself.


Well-Known Member
Well, no. I don't think so. It is impossible to know what are the teachings of Buddha. There is a religion of Buddha, he was said to be an actual person. But, the roots of Hindu and Buddhist ritual are lost in the Ayran invasions through 2500 BCE.

It is a very superstitious. Full of Ghosts and Demons. And this is from the commonly called, Teachings of Buddha. I just grabbed one translation at random.

Chapter 3
Buddhists do not believe that death is the end of life. When one dies, one's consciousness leaves and enters one of the six paths of rebirth.

  • Heavenly Beings

  • Humans

  • Asuras are beings who have many good things in life, but still like to fight. They appear in the heavens or on earth as people or animals.

  • Hungry ghosts are beings who suffer from constant hunger.

  • Hell-beings

These are the six states on the wheel of life. At the top are the heavens, where everyone is happy. Below are the hells where the suffering is unbearable. Beings can rise or fall from one path to another. If one does good deeds, one will be born into the paths of gods, humans, or asuras. If one does evil deeds, one will be born into the paths of animals, hungry ghosts, or hell-beings. From one life to the next one can suddenly change from an human to an animal or from a ghost to a hell-being, according to the things one has done.

Much has been said, like in Christianity. I'm surprised to hear you say it that way, but I realize it is the European/American version only.

Himself is said to have utter this. So, he was not proposing religion, but that's also the excuse the followers of Jesus use.

"There have been many Buddhas before me and will be many Buddhas in the future," The Buddha recalled to his disciples. "All living beings have the Buddha nature and can become Buddhas."

I don't really see a historical basis for any of the big 3 from Asia. Lau Tsu, Krishna, or Buddha. (all glory too, to the highest praise)

It seems the most godly thing is to say, "I'm not GOD!" Many of the older stories of The Buddha, have him praying for guidance to Vishnu. (the father in the immaculate his elephant visage.)

That was before the West turned it into No God, not religion and so liberals can have that.

And really much of the world looks at it like this.
The fact that the earliest Buddhist texts, such as the Pali Jatakas, mention Buddha's birth as King Rama, Kapila, Janaka, is called "Mahapurusha" and Purushottama and Narasiha shows that Buddha is none other than Vishnu himself.
Nah, the other way makes more sense ;)

You can't become enlightened in things of a spiritual nature, so why bother? It distracts from the path.


Well-Known Member
But we see Jesus on the Gram Cracker! Look, Pa! How many Buddha sighting on rice cakes?

I say, let Now be Now, right Now. It seems the essence of experience.


Well-Known Member
Does this have to do with the missiles that were being launched at the Gaza Strip? When I was headed back to Colorado I had to take a greyhound from Florida because I totaled my car there, and when I was in the stations, the news had people talking from both sides. All the reporters from America were like "There are missiles being launched and they are having to use apps to be warned, so they can run inside and not get blown up" But the Israeli reporters were like. "We are just defending ourselves, and we will stop firing as soon as the people we are shooting are disarmed".


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket.

That's what I heard, too. The peaceful Palestines in Gaza, were like, hey, what's going on? Why are they shooting missiles at us? Those bad Zionists, we didn't do anything.

And then they just took those missile attacks from the Zionists until Hillary came over and gave a bunch of money to the killer Israels to make them stop those missiles, hundreds a day.

The Satan USA wouldn't even let the Egyptians send to Gaza the holy Iron Dome anti-missle defense. Although it was invented by Allah, himself, all praise to Him.


New Member
Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket.

That's what I heard, too. The peaceful Palestines in Gaza, were like, hey, what's going on? Why are they shooting missiles at us? Those bad Zionists, we didn't do anything.

And then they just took those missile attacks from the Zionists until Hillary came over and gave a bunch of money to the killer Israels to make them stop those missiles, hundreds a day.

The Satan USA wouldn't even let the Egyptians send to Gaza the holy Iron Dome anti-missle defense. Although it was invented by Allah, himself, all praise to Him.
Another ADL stooge... Of course the zionists didn't do anything..... except build illegal occupation centres...

Oscar hope inspired by a great divider of land and livelihood

Filmed over several years, Five Broken Cameras documents the weekly protests against the wall, which, until the legal victory in 2007 and the military's eventual decision to follow the court ruling and tear down that section of the barrier four years later, had separated the village from half its land.

The five broken cameras belong to the co-director, filmmaker and farmer Emad Burnat, who was first given a camera to document the birth of his youngest son, Jibril, in 2005.

Each camera was broken while filming the protests against the construction of the wall through the village, which began in the same year. One camera was hit by a tear gas canister, another by a bullet, but each tells the story of a small group of protesters who demonstrated against the impact of Israel's occupation - particularly the separation wall - on Palestinian lives.
We are at war with Iran, young Sir. They declared on us when they ousted the Shah.
Does your memory only go back to '79? Pretty sure the iranians were already pissed of at the US because of Ajax & Kermit Roosevelt Jr's adventures in the region. This same man was instrumental in establishing the state of israel too, the UN vote would not have gone their way were it not for Kim.


Well-Known Member
Illegal? Says you and HAMAS. BTW, we gladly accept all enemies. The neo-Nazi and the Brotherhood. -ism of all kinds. We are not trying to be the shinning example of good. Only it is true, we show a unique form of self rule. It's a self rule that happens to be kicking the shit out of our enemies.

Wait till you see what we did to China. Economic problems will hasten the end of Communism. We did it to them. Just like we did it to the Soviet Union. We have eyes wide open.

What we see in Israel is self determination. It has nothing to do with Religion or land. It's a democracy that is 20% Arab. And they continue to kick ass without our help and despite the pussy jeers and hand wringing about settlements. It's their land.

It doesn't matter what you think or what the UN says. It's legal because the democracy of Israel says so.

And what are we suppose to do when Israel gets attacked? Sit on our hands and worry? We do. That's all.

They set this up and they defend it. We sell weapons to our allies, but they have their own weapon productions.

Israel won these territories in a fair fight...not. The Arabs with superior numbers and all the flanks, couldn't get it together to kick them out. Once? Twice? Now just where and how did the US protect them, again?

You poor little lost boy. It it just too easy to spout this know nothing stuff. You are so antisemitic all you can do is hate the Jews. Because of your Christian upbring teaches you to see Jews as the murderer of Christ. That what we were all taught. I know you have it in Australia. Doesn't matter now, if you don't remember.

Now you don't know your own consciousness yet, much less your subconscious. I got news for you. When you are 30 you will look back on yourself and see what I see.


New Member
Illegal? Says you and HAMAS. BTW, we gladly accept all enemies. The neo-Nazi and the Brotherhood. -ism of all kinds. We are not trying to be the shinning example of good. Only it is true, we show a unique form of self rule. It's a self rule that happens to be kicking the shit out of our enemies.
Illegal? YES says the UN and international community - apart from the US & Israel

Israel must withdraw all settlers or face ICC, says UN report

“Kicking the shit out of your enemies” must be a new phrase for moving your enemy from country to country, not really eliminating the problem, while ignoring the areas where the problem stems from and is fostered the most. You’ll EVEN support the problem when beneficial...

And what has this perceived victory cost the US and its citizens?

And what are we suppose to do when Israel gets attacked? Sit on our hands and worry? We do. That's all. They set this up and they defend it. We sell weapons to our allies, but they have their own weapon productions. Israel won these territories in a fair fight...not. The Arabs with superior numbers and all the flanks, couldn't get it together to kick them out. Once? Twice? Now just where and how did the US protect them, again?
That’s all you do apart from throwing a couple of trillion at them to continue their efforts. Without that cash they would not be able to conduct their wars or occupation... Money is essential to any war effort – just ask the Americans that supported the Nazis/Gestapo...

You poor little lost boy. It it just too easy to spout this know nothing stuff. You are so antisemitic all you can do is hate the Jews. Because of your Christian upbring teaches you to see Jews as the murderer of Christ. That what we were all taught. I know you have it in Australia. Now you don't know your own consciousness yet, much less your subconscious. I got news for you. When you are 30 you will look back on yourself and see what I see.
Calling someone anti-Semitic, when they don’t agree with Israel, is exactly what I’d expect from a card carrying “Israel first” retard. Honestly you’re fuckin delusional bro and you need help. Oh and for the record Christ was a Jew. Not even gonna explain the irony there dumbshit... But please go back to your circle jerk on genetic superiority & rabid islamophobia with your POS redneck chicken-hawk butt buddy.

Oh and you know shit about AUS, if you think we’re dense you’ve got a brain infection, you’ll also find not many are religious here, but hey with communism nearly gone the spastics need a new boogey man to demonise...