Life Lessons


Active Member
What are some life lessons that you might have learned or plan on trying to instill in your children? Ill start.

--You get what you pay for/ nothing is free.

--Don't take yourself too seriously.

--Don't be afraid to fail.

--Pay off credit cards every month


Active Member
What are some life lessons that you might have learned or plan on trying to instill in your children? Ill start.

--You get what you pay for/ nothing is free.

--Don't take yourself too seriously.

--Don't be afraid to fail.

--Pay off credit cards every month
:roll: -- Never get a credit card

-- Never double dip :lol::bigjoint:

-- Always open doors for women

-- Respect your elders and don't back answer

-- And Never Lie recall the story of the boy who cried wolf :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
always buy good toilet paper
always buy good trash bags
never be afraid
know the difference between the things that you can and can't change
pick your fights wisely.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread. I suppose, in a purely hypthetical situation. I would instill the following into my children.

• Shadow the greats but never overshadow the legends.
• Be the first one with ideas that other people follow.
• Always know good new jokes to share with your teamates, co-workers and friends.
• Try anything once but Suicide.
• Don't be swayed in your journey for Adventure in life by superstitious and/or religious people.
• If someone in your class is bigger than you and wants to fight you after school tackle them when they least expect it, in class durring a quiet lesson.
• Find something in your head to slow down and laugh about when you get too serious about something.
• Like death, Life is a force of balance in the Universe, Where no energy ever escapes.


Well-Known Member
If it isn't broke don't fix it.
Be aware of your surroundings
Think before you speak
Don't pee into the wind


Well-Known Member
how to treat women
how to be a good person have morals
not to tolerate bullshit
not to be afraid
not to trust cops/ government