Well-Known Member
"There he of gods own prototypes...some kinda rare breed never considered for mass production"Dr gonzo is a role model of mine....I grew up watching that crazy fucker...
"There he of gods own prototypes...some kinda rare breed never considered for mass production"Dr gonzo is a role model of mine....I grew up watching that crazy fucker...
Take it down a notch and stop With the insults. Opinions are fine though but bite the tongue on insults
Thank you
Cause surely any sensable american MAN would understand my position...if u are a man and u allow a woman and her kids to control u...u can no longer refer to urself as a duck dynasty would say...please forfiet ur man card..and shave ur face....this is getting old...a lot of interesting opinions on here tho...thanks to u all for ur interest...good or bad
I figured yall'd get a kick outta that one...hahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaha*takes breath*hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
I will definately second that. Okay, I am not gonna say what you should do, what you shouldn't do, ect., because nobody knows what is the right thing for you, because you are the one making the choices, it is your life, and you have to deal with those consequences. I noticed people taking "the MAN stance", lol, there is nothing about a situation like this that has anything to do with being male or female, it has to do with two people not coming to a common agreement or understanding, and for me, that would be a horrible situation to put myself or my wife in. The plants are not the issue, there are obviously other issues if two people are fighting like that, the plants are just ammo. To truly enjoy a hobby like this, especially if you don't have a legal way to do it, you have to have the rest of your life straight, otherwise that is making an even dumber decision that will only make the situation worse. My wife and I discussed this whole thing before it started, we have arguments like everyone, but it is not the argument, it is how each person handles it. Everything in life is a simple descision, and comes down to a simple answer, there are things good/bad/whatever that happen, you make a choice, you either can live with it, in which case you find ways to deal with the problem, or you can't live with it, so get the hell out. I feel for you, I understand, took me 35 years to find the person for me and learn how to make smart(er) choices. I was in a relationship one time where the other person didn't have my back or really care, was one of those people that love to call the cops just out of spite(no violence involved, just an argument), threaten me with any dirt that could dig up, just basically didn't have my back, the choice took me awhile to step outside the forest and leave, but man, just has to happen. I wish you BOTH and the kids the best, I wish the best for everyone, sounds like you are taking the right steps, don't worry about plants, worry about not getting yourself into another relationship like that. I am not blaming anyone for a situation, I don't blame my ex for everything, IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO DANCE, TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO HAVE A DISCUSSION OR AN ARGUMENT, so blaming one end of it with one side of the story, wouldn't make any sense. But I am in no way the judge, don't wanna be. I hope it all works out man, like I said, get the rest straightened out and then you can get into the frame of mind and position where you can enjoy a hobby like this.
This is for you Annie.
Thank u...and u are correct....I won't put myself in a position where someone has the power to take my home...plants/life/...whatever..away frm me...buying the house off her sister...she saw an angle of power and used it....I don't plan on having any relationships anytime soon tho...I will definately second that. Okay, I am not gonna say what you should do, what you shouldn't do, ect., because nobody knows what is the right thing for you, because you are the one making the choices, it is your life, and you have to deal with those consequences. I noticed people taking "the MAN stance", lol, there is nothing about a situation like this that has anything to do with being male or female, it has to do with two people not coming to a common agreement or understanding, and for me, that would be a horrible situation to put myself or my wife in. The plants are not the issue, there are obviously other issues if two people are fighting like that, the plants are just ammo. To truly enjoy a hobby like this, especially if you don't have a legal way to do it, you have to have the rest of your life straight, otherwise that is making an even dumber decision that will only make the situation worse. My wife and I discussed this whole thing before it started, we have arguments like everyone, but it is not the argument, it is how each person handles it. Everything in life is a simple descision, and comes down to a simple answer, there are things good/bad/whatever that happen, you make a choice, you either can live with it, in which case you find ways to deal with the problem, or you can't live with it, so get the hell out. I feel for you, I understand, took me 35 years to find the person for me and learn how to make smart(er) choices. I was in a relationship one time where the other person didn't have my back or really care, was one of those people that love to call the cops just out of spite(no violence involved, just an argument), threaten me with any dirt that could dig up, just basically didn't have my back, the choice took me awhile to step outside the forest and leave, but man, just has to happen. I wish you BOTH and the kids the best, I wish the best for everyone, sounds like you are taking the right steps, don't worry about plants, worry about not getting yourself into another relationship like that. I am not blaming anyone for a situation, I don't blame my ex for everything, IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO DANCE, TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO HAVE A DISCUSSION OR AN ARGUMENT, so blaming one end of it with one side of the story, wouldn't make any sense. But I am in no way the judge, don't wanna be. I hope it all works out man, like I said, get the rest straightened out and then you can get into the frame of mind and position where you can enjoy a hobby like this.K
So u should respect all life but judge away huh?....ur so awesome that u feel u hve the right to judge ppl....and that's why everything u typed above is blah blah blah...u have no idea what truly being a good person is abt.THAT Was hysterical! I Loved it thank you. But let me explain myself. My problem isn't that I'm a cat woman (although one day I would like to look sexy in a cat suit again), my problem is with letting any living thing suffer. Human, dog, animal, I'm a big time meat eater. If I was really hungry I'd eat a cat. Or possibly YOU! Long pig is a little rich but still in a pinch I'm not eating broccoli (tongue firmly in cheek).For all the squishy huggy feely stuff we are apex predators. We owe these animals respect and honor for giving us nutrition. My point is you treat life with dignity and respect. You kill things, swiftly and efficiently if you must. You treat life with honor or you deserve none. If you can't do a clean kill don't eat meat we need more vegetarians. If you can't treat other forms of life with the respect they deserve then you aren't much of a human. It's that simple in my philosophy. I'm sure most people today don't see it that way. But I've been wrong beforeand I'm good with that.But to see someone have the responsibility and care for another living thing and then to let it suffer. arrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!! No matter if it's a rattler, a cat, a lizard or me.
I liked thisMaybe a little preachy but Buddha was a pretty sharp lil fat man.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Four Noble Truths[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The first sermon that the Buddha preached after his enlightenment was about the four noble truths. The first noble truth is that life is frustrating and painful. In fact, if we are honest with ourselves, there are times when it is downright miserable. Things may be fine with us, at the moment, but, if we look around, we see other people in the most appalling condition, children starving, terrorism, hatred, wars, intolerance, people being tortured and we get a sort of queasy feeling whenever we think about the world situation in even the most casual way. We, ourselves, will some day grow old, get sick and eventually die. No matter how we try to avoid it, some day we are going to die. Even though we try to avoid thinking about it, there are constant reminders that it is true.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The second noble truth is that suffering has a cause. We suffer because we are constantly struggling to survive. We are constantly trying to prove our existence. We may be extremely humble and self-deprecating, but even that is an attempt to define ourselves. We are defined by our humility. The harder we struggle to establish ourselves and our relationships, the more painful our experience becomes.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The third noble truth is that the cause of suffering can be ended. Our struggle to survive, our effort to prove ourselves and solidify our relationships is unnecessary. We, and the world, can get along quite comfortably without all our unnecessary posturing. We could just be a simple, direct and straight-forward person. We could form a simple relationship with our world, our coffee, spouse and friend. We do this by abandoning our expectations about how we think things should be.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is the fourth noble truth: the way, or path to end the cause of suffering. The central theme of this way is meditation. Meditation, here, means the practice of mindfulness/awareness, shamata/vipashyana in Sanskrit. We practice being mindful of all the things that we use to torture ourselves with. We become mindful by abandoning our expectations about the way we think things should be and, out of our mindfulness, we begin to develop awareness about the way things really are. We begin to develop the insight that things are really quite simple, that we can handle ourselves, and our relationships, very well as soon as we stop being so manipulative and complex.[/FONT]
Maybe a little preachy but Buddha was a pretty sharp lil fat man.
My cat is w me...he is fine...he is stil eating and drinking...and peeing...stil blood in it but he has appnt at 3pm today...he's purring and playful so I doubt he's suffering too much...I promise I care more abt my cat than u do.....jeezPlease talk to us about Buddha's stance on intentional infliction of suffering upon sentient animals (like cats). You'll find this in even the earliest writing by Asoka. I'm asking you to elucidate upon the no harm principle. Thanks![]()
I think they eat cats in buddahville....Please talk to us about Buddha's stance on intentional infliction of suffering upon sentient animals (like cats). You'll find this in even the earliest writing by Asoka. I'm asking you to elucidate upon the no harm principle. Thanks![]()
I won't...and I believe u.Sorry to hear the bad news. Simply a case of the wrong woman for the wrong man. Sometimes it seems that finding a mate that fits is hard and finding a mate that is right for you even harder. Waiting for the right person can be the hardest thing. Don't give up we aren't all that way.
I will definately second that. Okay, I am not gonna say what you should do, what you shouldn't do, ect., because nobody knows what is the right thing for you, because you are the one making the choices, it is your life, and you have to deal with those consequences. I noticed people taking "the MAN stance", lol, there is nothing about a situation like this that has anything to do with being male or female, it has to do with two people not coming to a common agreement or understanding, and for me, that would be a horrible situation to put myself or my wife in. The plants are not the issue, there are obviously other issues if two people are fighting like that, the plants are just ammo. To truly enjoy a hobby like this, especially if you don't have a legal way to do it, you have to have the rest of your life straight, otherwise that is making an even dumber decision that will only make the situation worse. My wife and I discussed this whole thing before it started, we have arguments like everyone, but it is not the argument, it is how each person handles it. Everything in life is a simple descision, and comes down to a simple answer, there are things good/bad/whatever that happen, you make a choice, you either can live with it, in which case you find ways to deal with the problem, or you can't live with it, so get the hell out. I feel for you, I understand, took me 35 years to find the person for me and learn how to make smart(er) choices. I was in a relationship one time where the other person didn't have my back or really care, was one of those people that love to call the cops just out of spite(no violence involved, just an argument), threaten me with any dirt that could dig up, just basically didn't have my back, the choice took me awhile to step outside the forest and leave, but man, just has to happen. I wish you BOTH and the kids the best, I wish the best for everyone, sounds like you are taking the right steps, don't worry about plants, worry about not getting yourself into another relationship like that. I am not blaming anyone for a situation, I don't blame my ex for everything, IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO DANCE, TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO HAVE A DISCUSSION OR AN ARGUMENT, so blaming one end of it with one side of the story, wouldn't make any sense. But I am in no way the judge, don't wanna be. I hope it all works out man, like I said, get the rest straightened out and then you can get into the frame of mind and position where you can enjoy a hobby like this.
Vet report on blockage in urinary stones/crystals...just a UTI...gave him IV antibiotics...take home oral once a day dose of antibiotics....special diet....he's gonna b ok
Wow....this story uve manifested is way off base...but if u choose to believe it for whatever reason have at it...throw some other shit in there too to make it even more interesting and terrible if it twists ur pickle...?!?!?!...actualy what really hppnd is he was at vet less than a day and a half frm first sign of blood in urine...he did receive antibiotics IV..and blockage yada yada...he NEVER..I REPEAT NEVER...showed any signs of discomfort of pain...always purring and playful w both myself and the dog.....and the other day u said u put me on ignore list...what happened to that?....why do u want to believe my cat was in pain?...that's weird.Cats are mammals so allow me to generalize. We don't give IV antibiotics for "just a UTI". We are giving them that way to forestall shock and it's nasty little side effects because you waited to long. You left this animal in agony for days. Hopefully someday you will have a better understanding of agony and compassion for the less fortunate.