Lifeisshort117's first grow journal - Northern Lights/Pure Afghan


okay so idk why on page 4 it wont load the pictures, so sorry about that. what im gonna do is to show you the progress instead is since i uploaded those photos that arent showing on november 27th, i'll just upload one quick shot that day so you can see.

but anyway, whats been going on recently is that i found another male a week ago so i got rid of him. so i have 6 plants left. i got 5x5in square pots that i transplanted the rest into. i actually put two plants in one pot because i can only fit 4 pots total in my cabinet because of the room. since i transplanted them i decided to let go of the LST idea, because i feel like i would need more room to successfully accomplish that. especially with how many plants i have. so because i let them go, they've obviously got taller. the cool thing is that the shoots that grew from the LSTing still are growing the same speed as the main stem. the plants are just kinda twisty a bit. and since the plants have grown taller, the cfl bulbs had started to burn my lady's leaves so what i decided is to put my faith into the LED light, and just run that. and oh, did it deliver.. here are some photos so you can see for yourself.

here was the shot as of 11-27:

as of 11-30:

as of 12-03:

as of 12-08:

as of 12-09:

as of 12-11(had to stack smaller pot onto the big ones in first pic):

as of 12-12:

and as of 12-13:

i guess that led light really does work. its so nice and cool in my cabinet compared to when i had the cfl's running. and it honestly seems to me that the plants are doing better with JUST the led light running, not combined with the cfls.

lemme know what you guys think, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good!

The NLs would prob have a hard time getting too tall (depending on how indica dominate your pheno is) Main thing I would worry about letting your plants veg that long is light penetration/intensity... Plants that big need a ton of CFLs surrounding the bud sites. Your current lighting would need to be 20x what it is to support multiple 4ft plants going into flower. Usually get a better yield/quality with a good LST, topping or fimm job that way you create a nice even canopy with no variations in quality of light to the bud sites.

You plan on doing any LST training or topping with them?
Nice looking grow. I am with Potent on this one. I kept my lights close and used more than what I initially thought I should. I am coming up on the 5th week of my grow and my NL plant is barely topping 6 inches, but her node growth is nuts.


Active Member
wow they're really taking off! yeah i'm pretty happy with these panels, they're real budget but they do the job great for the price, the lack of heat is a huge plus, i'm so glad this little panel is kicking ass for you man!


Active Member
^^^ the sunshine systems panel consumes twice as much power as that cheapy ebay lamp

the sunshine systems panel also has half as many leds

the leds are far brighter on the sunshine systems panel, they can actually grow a plant with just the panel by itself...the cheapo ebay panel on the other hand will be a very slow slow process of growing, the plant will grow, but man it's going to be slow motion

the build construction on the sunshine systems panel is much better as well, 2 rows of led on my ebay panel stopped working, i often have to bang the ebay panel to get the leds to come on all the way or else they are incredibly dim and almost look off, the ebay one is just crap imho

i have one of those cheap ebay panels, it's a piece of crap, honestly i would've been better of spending the money on cfls i is incredibly low power which can be handy though, i have ran the cheap one off of a battery backup in my car while driving some clones up 2 hours away, it was enough light for them to not be finicky getting stressed, currently i am using the ebay panel to keep a couple male plants alive along with some incandescent lights and 1 t8 PURple "grow light"

here's a small pic of my old cheap ebay panel at work when i first got it in april of this year:
update: super cropped two of my plants today, the big female in the back left... her stem was so hard i couldnt pinch it to super crop it lol i'll probably end up cloning her. shes so beautiful but i want her to live on!



Well-Known Member
So before starting 12/12 you guys are putting your plants into pure dark for 24-36 hours?


Well-Known Member
yes sir! jump starts the plants and saves 1-2 weeks flowering
Damn wont that be sweet. Im glad that I did it! Thanks life. How about at the end/ I have read that ti makes the buds go even more nuts with some total darkness at the end. Any experience with that?

you know i havent heard anything about complete darkness at the end. im not exactly sure if that'd help but i'll try and read up on that sometime.
update: im down to 3 plants and 6 clones. 2 of the clones will probably die but i think the other 4 will live on. the 3 plants consist of 2 northern lights and 1 pure afghan. the pure afghan is definitely going way slower than the 2 northern lights in terms of flowering speed. not much to look at on the pure afghan, but there is something special going on with the northern lights...

nl plant 1:

nl plant 2:

i'll try to get some better photos pretty soon.

also, just picked up some Humboldt Nutrients: Oneness. will be adding that to the next watering :)