LIft deletes thread and packs up

For sure man, could be a monitoring tool. All I'm saying is good or bad review gets you the same amount of money.

And for me. 1 hour of my time gets me 7/g of meds for free. And I'm ok with that.

free meds???...or free shit????...its all in the eye of the beholder...I don't get out of my chair for 7 grams...
I walk 20ft and decide which of the 6 strains I grew last year will hit the spot....they all do...and no LP each their own....grow your own and then you will be free!!!!

mojo the fukker fukker
free meds???...or free shit????...its all in the eye of the beholder...I don't get out of my chair for 7 grams...
I walk 20ft and decide which of the 6 strains I grew last year will hit the spot....they all do...and no LP each their own....grow your own and then you will be free!!!!

mojo the fukker fukker
Ya man..... That's great. Hopefully one day I'll be able to Wipe my ass with all my extra weed like you. But until then I'll just keep keeping on with my piddly free 7g.
Lift was just on here telling us to dismantle our basement grows with cat shit all over, free air miles lift points whatever they offer. Told us Tredeau and chucky got this all wrapped up and were screwed.
Ya what the fuck did I miss... Lol always gotta hit the bong at the wrong time. Lolbongsmilie
So anybody have the cliff notes of what was said?

Are these the real "Cliff notes"? I've removed much of what Lift posted as it is blatant advertising - no question about it - shame on them!!!

I do have the whole thread saved - found it cached.

Lift Cannabis is set to launch.....

How much does it cost? Do you refer the user to a LP or just give them a list. The doctor in Gartree Medical clinic in Vernon BC gave me a list and stated he doesn’t endorse any of them but just a resource list for the current LP.

This looks like advertising...where's @sunni


@CannaReview- The initial consultation assessment ........

Lift = LPs
Where in the fuck are all these idiots coming from?

@ redi jedi- I do apologize if this posting does come of as an Ad. However, this is not the motive behind the thread. Instead we are using this forum as a way to spread the message

Impartial my ass, you don't open your doors and charge nothing. "Membership driven" AKA money off the back end from said LP.
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Shwaggster's of the greediest kind.

BOYCOTT..take back YOUR plant.

The " People's Plant "....not the LP's or Trudeau's either.