light 24/0 to 18/6

im not sayin that they cut off air to the roots... nor in no way did i come close to hinting that.. im saying it keeps them moist... getting splashed with water is different than being submersed... if the roots hit air, just air, they dry out and die... since a DWC system splashes the roots, keeping them moist, they dont dry out nor do they drowned.. they have the air they need to grow and survive and the splashing keeps them moist so they dont dry out and have water on them to absorb for the plant.. obviously if you took a root system and put into water eventually the roots will drown and die... but just as roots cant survive in because they drowned they cant survive in just air because they dry out... the "splashing" in the DWC system solves both those problems and is what allows the plant to thrive and the root to stay alive...
I use clear pots sometimes and have seen no difference what so ever in root growth. I'm no noob grower either. I run a perpetual harvest and I harvest 1 plant every week or so and have been doing it for years. I started using some clear containers so I could have a honest opinion on this subject.
It seems that sometimes people just spout whatever shit they heard from someone else but don't do the experiments to see for themselves.Maybe if you put the light right down on the side of the container it might hurt them but otherwise I can say from personal experience it don't do shit to the roots.
so is the arguement that roots grow faster if the plant itself receives more light... so a 24/0 plant will grow a bigger root system than an 18/6 plant... or is it that roots will grow if they directly receive light?? im a little confused... either way here is my 2 cents...

my point is that 24 hours will produce better roots than 18/6. tried and true proven method. as i said before, if you veg with a light over one end of your table, those will be bigger plants with better roots than the ones that recieve less light. root growth is a part of photosynthesis, which means that light = roots.

note i didn't say to put a hps in your res..... o.0

oh.... the REASON that roots dry and die at the bottom of cups is that those areas dry first (like the top of the soil, exposed to air). the DRYNESS kills the roots. if you had standing water in a drain pan, roots will grow out and into the water through holes in your cups or pots. try it and see ;).
my point is that 24 hours will produce better roots than 18/6. tried and true proven method. as i said before, if you veg with a light over one end of your table, those will be bigger plants with better roots than the ones that recieve less light. root growth is a part of photosynthesis, which means that light = roots.

note i didn't say to put a hps in your res..... o.0

oh.... the REASON that roots dry and die at the bottom of cups is that those areas dry first (like the top of the soil, exposed to air). the DRYNESS kills the roots. if you had standing water in a drain pan, roots will grow out and into the water through holes in your cups or pots. try it and see ;).
oh no youjust did not say what i think you said. um if the roots grow out into the drain pan that means they are in the light.:hump:
KP2.. somewhere in here i agreed that a plant thats given 24/0 will have a larger root mass than a plant given 18/6 if grown in the same conditions for the same amount of time..

secondly i think we've all at least agreed that roots need to stay moist on some level to stay alive.. basically a dried out root will die...

what we are still working out is this light killing roots thing..

i have not run any tests/experiments to test this idea personally... all my pots have always been black... an arguement could be made to support the roots need darkness because they grow down away from light verse up towards the light... although this arguement makes sense, it really prove that roots will die in the light, only that they prefer the dark... or it could just be that they grow down because moisture runs down in the soil, so thats direction they grow, to pull in more moisture for the plant?? since there are people who can back this claim up through experience ill go ahead and say im wrong about the light... at least to the extent that under normal growing conditions the amount of light roots typically receive wont kill them... i agree that there would probably be issues with a light up against a container shining directly on the roots.. i dont think that roots could stand that intense of lights... but they can stand filtered/weakened light.. ie light through a canopy, a pot, or just weakened over distance... fair statement?
I do not spout off what I have heard, I go from experience and Knowledge of plant growth, (simple Botany). I fix gardens for MMJ card holders. And some of the most common mistakes I come across is pots full of holes like all over the pot up the side and such, also pots that light can penetrate, not to mention plants going into 12/12 before mature. Once I straighten everything out and there yeild is 3-4x greater, then they understand that with optimal conditions you will yeild more than just soing things that work.
I am not trying to start a pissing contest with anyone, I just share what I know and what works for me when fixing others short comings.
Hey guys I just registered and I have a question, I just germinated my seeds and I'm only growing 3 plants just to try it, I bought one 70watt HPS and one 70watt MH what kind of fixture can I safely use for these? My grow room is just a 2 by 3 closet.
KP2.. somewhere in here i agreed that a plant thats given 24/0 will have a larger root mass than a plant given 18/6 if grown in the same conditions for the same amount of time..

secondly i think we've all at least agreed that roots need to stay moist on some level to stay alive.. basically a dried out root will die...

what we are still working out is this light killing roots thing..

i have not run any tests/experiments to test this idea personally... all my pots have always been black... an arguement could be made to support the roots need darkness because they grow down away from light verse up towards the light... although this arguement makes sense, it really prove that roots will die in the light, only that they prefer the dark... or it could just be that they grow down because moisture runs down in the soil, so thats direction they grow, to pull in more moisture for the plant?? since there are people who can back this claim up through experience ill go ahead and say im wrong about the light... at least to the extent that under normal growing conditions the amount of light roots typically receive wont kill them... i agree that there would probably be issues with a light up against a container shining directly on the roots.. i dont think that roots could stand that intense of lights... but they can stand filtered/weakened light.. ie light through a canopy, a pot, or just weakened over distance... fair statement?
Roots don’t like light at all. Micro-organisms that live in the root-zone also don’t like light. Organic substrates have a natural dark colour, so the root-zone is also dark. Inert substrates are often packed in plastic material, which does not let through the light. :joint:
yea..... theres oxygen in the water, thats why you use airstones in hydro... it cant have direct contact.... and KP2... what is the energy from the photosynthesis for your babies used for.............. root growth.... and what does your babies store there energy for???? the long 6 hours of darkness so it can build...

and you say morons everywhere.. but your the one still asking us a question that has been ansewerd by a few people now....
so can we go one step further in say that-

roots can survive in grow in light BUT roots are stronger with the absence of light??

we all know immature plants dont yield as much as fully mature plants will.. so my statement is only accurate if, and im assuming a lot here, that goldenganja knows that switching the pots his clients had that leaked light directly increased the overall yield.. that it was that one variable that increased yield.... pretty much i assume no one here is stupid and knows what all to take into consideration before making a statement and can back it up with examples and direct proof... or as in my case if they have non bow out to those who have direct proof...

im not trying to make everyone happy.. just coming to a statement that fits the situation... its like math.. there are different ways to reach the same answer... but the answer is still the answer... and since we have strong arguements both ways i just want to get to the true answer... for everybodys knowledge.. i am always trying to learn and tweak my thinking...
We all know there are many ways to grow, and lots of things we do that are not optimal will still produce a bud in the end. My growing methods are basicly to get everything as close to optimal as possible. And I like to back my statements up with facts. Hence this statement (Roots don’t like light at all. Micro-organisms that live in the root-zone also don’t like light. Organic substrates have a natural dark colour, so the root-zone is also dark. Inert substrates are often packed in plastic material, which does not let through the light) and the link ( more understanding and knowledge.
This is a great link to understanding the complex roots system.
Sup Ganja13, Mygirls, SimpsonSampson4.2.0: hows everybody holdn up in here? I heard 20/4 is actually the shit, lets start this all over again

shit i got my mothers on 24/0... very good for getting my needed clones every month... but there not grown to be super plants. just produce shitload of clones..
whats goin on tile.... Pe@ce..
up Jtoth3ustin chilln like a villan...sunday, girls at work, kids at the some bud..thought bout going up to national forest, and swipn some baby tress for the back yard YouKnow
shit i got my mothers on 24/0... very good for getting my needed clones every month... but there not grown to be super plants. just produce shitload of clones..
whats goin on tile.... Pe@ce..
haha i did that last summer in the adirondacks.. ive gotta go water. feel like procrastinating a bit more, and smoke this blunt hehe
up Jtoth3ustin chilln like a villan...sunday, girls at work, kids at the some bud..thought bout going up to national forest, and swipn some baby tress for the back yard YouKnow
sounds like a day. im headed to the beach with the wife and boys take the dogs get some video. then a friend and i well head out on a motorcycle ride and scout for the elk and deer. maybe get some video, or pics. :hump: