Light accidentally turned on for 10 minutes middle of "night"


Will this be enough stress to cause hermie'ing in your experience? Fce-6500 on at 80% about 10 inches from top of plants. Never had any other light interruptions other than my green helmet light to do work while the lights are off.
3 minutes on rare occasions won't bother it. I remember hearing somewhere green lights not affecting plants is a myth. According to Bruce bugbee if there's enough light to read a large print children's book then it can cause issues.
NO, in a word. you need the lights coming on for longer periods of time and way more offten then one single time.
you obviously care about your plants, but try to grow stress free (you that is).
cannabis is a weed by nature, so you have to fuck up realy badly to kill it, thats not to say you cant make a single mistake that kills it, but you would have gotten something realy badly wrong to do this.
when you post, it helps if you tell us a little about your grow.
if you start a thread all about your grow, you will gain a lot more experiance and recieve valuble information that will help you out, befor you even think about asking the question.
so explaine what your growing in, like "im growing in soil, in a 2 ltr pot, under a 400 watt light in a grow tent" WORD IT ALONG THOSE LINES, AND YOU WILL GET AN ABUNDANCE OF INFORMATION. PEACE GO GO
where did the seed come from? genetics make a huge differance, like if its a bag seed, you are more likely to get a hermi plant
I went back and looked for it some and it was also Bruce bugbee saying green lights aren't safe when lights are out. He does say it's the best light to use because the human eye can see it the best with the least amount of light being put out. It however in too large of a dose can still cause issues with flowering plants. He seems to be a very knowledgeable lighting spectrum expert.
Here is a link to him explaining it.

So it's 24k gold, g13 white widow, black skull seeds zkittlez. All from seedbank. I spend way too much on this hobby to trust bag seed, last time I did that whole plant seeded itself(but not a single seed amongst the 4 other strains I was growing in the same area)

Flower- I'm in an AC infinity 5 x 5, CO2 controller at around 1500, 2 AC infinity tent pole fans, FCE 6500. I'm growing in a basement in CO so my rH is normally like 20 so I have an elechome humidifier and some 30 pints a day dehumidifier. I've got the 69 pro controller, only non sealed part of the tent is the vent at the top that goes to my veg tent. My first attempt at a Scrog, I definitely fucked up by growing 3 plants as it was awkward to fill the space when the white widow was amazing at filling out and the 24k grew like a straight bush and is still flowering very bushy.

Veg tent- extremely shitty 3 x 3 with a mars hydro tsw 2000 and a humidifier and the whole thing is draped in visclean to keep in the CO2 but I'll manually vent off as temps go over 85. Upgrading to another 5 x 5 tomorrow. I have at least 9 different strains in various stages of growth(orange velvet underground, lemon g, sticky glue, atomic jelly, 3 Dr grinspoons, critical Kush and Birthday funk. Just put my first hydro(DWC) of two Lemon G seedlings in Rockwood. Doing clay pebbles, FF Grow big(not hydro version) at 110ppm pH'd to 7.0. I usually go Roots Organic with great white and worm castings.

Nursery-cheap clear tote with an oil diffuser as a humidifier and a 4 panel t5 with cool blue

I also fucked up by starting the plants in one pot in roots organic and 2 weeks before flower I transplanted each into mother earth. This was my first time growing with coco so I've had moisture retention issues because the core root ball is surrounded by soil which retains but coco dried out so fast.

Had some light burn issues and some nute burn issues on the zkittlez(but still budding up nicely) but all in all they are looking good. 21 days into flower today. I've also given them only like 4 or 5 nutrient feedings their entire life