Light burn?


Well-Known Member
Apologies to those who also monitor the "Indoor Growing" forum, but I have seedlings under LED lamps and I'm wondering if the damage I'm seeing is due to the lights. A picture:

I have two plants; each is under a Nova N300S "300W" lamp, switched to the "VEG" setting so it is essentially on half power (drawing 78 actual watts, usually described by doubling to 156 to give the equivalent in terms of HPS or MH lights). I had the lights 38 inches above the seedlings to start, but raised them to 43 inches above when I started to worry that I might have light burn. The manufacturer recommends 36 - 40 inches above for seedlings. But having two lights I guess there is some "doubling up" going on in the middle.

After a suggestion of nutrient burn in the Indoor Growing forum I flushed the soil; it's too soon to say if that helped or not. Thanks for any comments or suggestions.


Well-Known Member
light burn will crisp my leaves, its never light burn, its usually fox farms soil lol......
try more pics in a bit, yours wont show yet . seedling dont like added nutrients ime


Well-Known Member
I don't think the forum allows brand new members to post pictures, does it? Don't you have to post ten times or something like that?