Light coming in during dark time flowing stage question


Can someone tell me if its ok that a very small ammount of light gets through when its dark during flowing. I have a a piece of white/black/white sheeting over the door and its very dark, but I can see a small ammout of light at the sides when I turn the lights off inside.



Active Member
Don't know how bright it is, but if it is keeping the room from being very dark then you should try to fix it. Can you leave the lights off in the room you have this tent or whatever?
Its a cupboard in a house im renting. I cant make any adjustments to the door, so I have the sheeting over the entrance acting like a 2nd door, it does seem very dark, but a slight ammount of light is getting in. You cant see shit in the room though.



Active Member
Take door off cupboard
Staple pandafilm around opening
Use an adhesive backed zipped and put it on in the shape of a door, unzip it and cut your door open
Put the door back on the cupboard.