light coulour



I recently had problems with my indoor grow, i have been growing 1 plant for almost a month now, and last week my leaves were turning pale and curling down with brown spots. 4 days ago i decided to put it by the window and all the leaves turned to a nice dark green and straightened out and now all is well. i have been using three 45 (= 150 incandescent) watt cfls 4100K cool whites from noma. I wanted to vegg them inside and bud them outside, and bud them outside. Would a cooler color fix the problem like +6000k, or was there not enough wattage. The plant was also not growing very fast prior to putting it by the window. It;s a White widow.



I just copied this from the CFL FAQ

Q. Which bulbs are for Vegetative Growth?
A. 6500K (Daylight)
Q. Which bulbs are for Flowering Growth?
A. 2700K (Soft white)

The 4100's you were using produce very little usable light in the spectrum's your plant needs. I'd replace those 4100's asap with some 6500+ bulbs first. Wait at least a couple of weeks under the new bulbs to help your plant recover before moving on to 2700's for flowering.