Light cycle in veg?

I'm using four CFLs, each putting out 2700 lumens, to grow two plants. They're a little less than a week old and seem to be growing pretty well, but I'm concerned about the lights.

Should they be on 24/0 or 18/6 for veg? They've been on 24/0 thus far and have sprouted nicely. Planted them last Tuesday and both now have one symmetrical leaf set (about 1.5" long and 0.75" across) in addition to the embryonic leaves. The first guy I planted didn't make it...I was a little too curious tracking it's development and learned my lesson :)


Well-Known Member
Check out my veg grow below, I keep my lights on 24/7 unless I clone or fim/top then I give them 6 hrs of dark to recoup.
Yea but not for publication :)

Tryin to keep this subterranean low. It's a nice setup though and I'm sure I'll cave at some point.


Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting with leafy herbs lately and have settled on 20/4 as my optimum light cycle.

With 24/0 I see faster growth then 18/6, also less stretching. With 20/4 I see the right balance of stretch and growth, encouraging light penetration to inter-node growth which allows the plants to get desirably bushy. I also pinch growing tips and LST.

Also, those 4 hours of no light == 4 hours of less heat, which is my biggest constraint.

If height is your most critical factor do 24/0. If temperatures get too high to control during a few hours of the day or you want your plants to stretch a bit to give better inter-node penetration consider a dark period, otherwise 24/0 will give you fastest growth.
Thanks. Height is a factor and I'd prefer to have short bushes...looking into some LST when the time's right as well. Heat is not a big deal because they're CFLs and I've got the box RadioShack fann'd up.