Light Cycle question


Ok I have had my babies on a 18/6 light cycle for about a week now and last night forgot to turn off the lights and turned them off around 2 and half hours later but continued with the 18/6 light cycle, do I need to continue my light cycle 18/6 as I did before from midnight until 8 in the morning or keep it as it is now? from 2 in the morning until 10 in the morning? babies are about 2 and half weeks old now, going on 3


Active Member
I don't think it will harm it since its just vegging and as long as the the dark time is not tempered with is ok don't stress it man just keep going with th 18/6 is suggest get a timer only run u like 10$ and u won't have to worry about this mess. Cus once u get to the flower cycle the light cycle gets more serious.


I had them on 24/0 lights for the first week and just this week I started with the 18/6 light cycle and by when should I know it's flowering time?


Active Member
When mine is 10 inch I switched to 12/12. ( was a male that bastard) now new 1 is 16 inches when I switched to 12/12. What lights u usin??


Also if you know what good nutes to purchase that would be good... have 3 of my babies on Miracle Grow soil I know it's bad but was the only soil I had anyway have 1 that is on regular soil and have been adding nutes to it but don't think it likes them cause the leaves are burning...


Active Member
Use less nutes next time for example it says use 4 tablespoons per gallon use 1/4 of that ( 1 tablespoons slow numb it up when she needs more


Active Member
i been usin (cheap way) miracle grow rose plant food 1.5 lbs for 5 bucks at wall mart I just got samples in the mail Toronto hydroponic-research. Com grow+blonde haven't tried it yet


Active Member
I use fox farm works at great for me
Grow big for get tiger bloom and boy bloom for flowering don't add nutes till after 3 weeks of vegging try to get the 46w/150w replacment cfls if it gonna do cfls those are less heat and work better 24/0 is good but I feel like it stresses the plant its every growers opinion u choose
Just sprouted seedlings should get no fertilizer for the first couple weeks, then at quarter strength, then half ect. MG soil is way too hot for seedlings. Always use soil with no fertilizer in it such as a seed starting mix or better yet Promix. That is my preference, although others I am sure are fine.
