light cycle ?s


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. Personally 18/6 is the best choice in my opinion because it gives your plant a little rest and lets the roots and plant grow a little bit more and it cuts down on the electricity bill. 20/4 is typically best for autoflowering plants. 24/0 is not needed and is just a waste of electricity and probably keeps the growth down a little bit. With darkness in your grow, your buds excrete more resin production and swells up more. Especially in the last couple days of growth where people put their plants in dark for 24-72 hours.


Active Member
the xtra resins would be for the flowering part though probably gona go with the 18/6 to save on electric and i heard its less stressfull for the 12/12 switch


Well-Known Member
depends, with cfls 24/0, keeps the plants short and compact and they dont do as much *stretch* growing that they do in the dark. For an hps i prefer 18/6, saves electricity and the extra height and *stretch* growth is actually desireable since youve got a stronger light source that can handle bigger plants like that.
I recommend 18/6 for veg. I usually do 24/0 for seedlings and clones until they root. After that it goes to 18/6. The dark period is important for plants. Then again it all depends on what strains you're growing. Some do well under 24/0 and some don't. I guess it's all trial and error. I still would go for 18/6 to save electricity.