light cycle


hello,soon i will swich from 18/6 to 12/12 light cycle to start my flowering phase.i got a few questions about this season.1st there is any tip on changing the hours to 12/12,for exmple a guy in this forum said that he let the plants 24hours on dark and after this he swich to 12/12...2nd wen i have to count weeks of flower after i swich to 12/12?wen i see the first signs of flowers?or i start count the day i swich my light cycle?sry about my english is really poor.anyway thank u and peace.


Well-Known Member
I usually let them sit 24hr dark before 12/12 but honestly its nothing to really spend much thought on,,, Iv just been doing it like that for a while.... Also, I counts days 12/12 from the day I flip, much more accurate for future reference IMO than days since flower. Some strains will show signs of flowering sooner than others and blah blah its just not accurate enough for me.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
hello,soon i will swich from 18/6 to 12/12 light cycle to start my flowering phase.i got a few questions about this season.1st there is any tip on changing the hours to 12/12,for exmple a guy in this forum said that he let the plants 24hours on dark and after this he swich to 12/12...2nd wen i have to count weeks of flower after i swich to 12/12?wen i see the first signs of flowers?or i start count the day i swich my light cycle?sry about my english is really poor.anyway thank u and peace.
Everyone's different; I don't put them in the dark. I do a 1/2 hr chop off each day from my light cycle until I hit 12/12 then change bulbs.

If you're going to dark em don't do it much longer than a day. You're risking traumatizing her.

Like Whodat said, start counting flowering from day hit 12/12.

brotes grandes

Active Member
hello,soon i will swich from 18/6 to 12/12 light cycle to start my flowering phase.i got a few questions about this season.1st there is any tip on changing the hours to 12/12,for exmple a guy in this forum said that he let the plants 24hours on dark and after this he swich to 12/12...2nd wen i have to count weeks of flower after i swich to 12/12?wen i see the first signs of flowers?or i start count the day i swich my light cycle?sry about my english is really poor.anyway thank u and peace.
Hi pomito. There is a few different ways to do this and everyone has their own way that suits them be it straight into flowering on a 12/12 timer after the 18/6 switch then there's some that leave plants in total darkness from anywhere from 24 to 36 hours and then into 12/12. This is my first indoor grow and I will be using the lights off for 30 hours before I switch as I personally have seen a lot of good in this method. Now when it comes to flowering/weeks in flower alot of people do it differently again and count weeks in flower from the time after they switch to 12/12 but then again there's some that count the weeks flowering as flowers appear. I'd personally count the flowering cycle from time of your switch to 12/12 so if flowers don't show until say 8-12 days after switch you can say your going into week 2 of flowering but the first week of baby buds (if this makes sense,sorry just have finished 12 hr shift at work and am tired as f*k). Good luck n hope it helps some what :).


very good info from all.nice way blujayz.there is another litlle thin.i will use voodoo juice from AN and its for the first 2weeks of flower.wen should i use it?wen i swic to 12/12 OR i keep use vegi formula 1week more after swiching to be sure and after that i continue with flowering formula.there is a bit comfuzing cause the nuts its for specific weeks.


Well-Known Member
very good info from all.nice way blujayz.there is another litlle thin.i will use voodoo juice from AN and its for the first 2weeks of flower.wen should i use it?wen i swic to 12/12 OR i keep use vegi formula 1week more after swiching to be sure and after that i continue with flowering formula.there is a bit comfuzing cause the nuts its for specific weeks.
Switch now or do 1/3 veg and 2/3 bloom. That's what I do.