perhaps light is just something that we percieve to be there? also, the other day i was part in a discussion where it was said that light destroys darkness when it is present, but that darkness so quickly replenishes itself that we percieve it as always being there. then again the same can be true the other way around as well.
light is energy.... it can be seen and measured, so it has to be there, not a matter of perception here.... but perhaps we will discover an energy source that can absorb light energy, thus eliminating light.... think of a "dark flashlight"

... then we would realize that light and darkness are BOTH energies, just that light is dominant/stronger.....
I dunno, I'm stoned and i understand the intention of this thread.... us stoners (most of us it seems) seem to enjoy talking out of our asses about deep/scientific topics when stoned... sure some of them are dumb sometimes, but you have to keep in mind that the "double helix model" of DNA, (what created the science of genetics) was something that was thought up under the influence of LSD.... moral of the story being that not all drug induced thoughts are retarded