Light during flowering


Active Member
Hello all, quick question,

I have my girls under a 250hps, and i noticed they grow up to a certain line and they stop, now i moved the light a few cms away twice to strech them just a bit and they just grew up to that invisible point again.
Should i keep moving the light slightly away so they will develop higher main colas, or is this something that will happen a little further down the line? they are now on 2nd week of flowering...


Well-Known Member
if your goal is the stretch your plants then moving the light up should do that. oh and don't forget to give the plant not enough light to cause the stretch


Active Member
ok ill rephrase (but thanks for the respone :-P) -

is it ok for the plant to stop gaining hight after 1.5 weeks into flowering? will this result in a smaller yield?


Well-Known Member
Plants normally stretch during the first few weeks of flowering then focus their energy towards reproduction. So yes, they will stop stretching during flowering and although 1.5 weeks is relatively short, it is possible. Your yield will not be effected.


Active Member
ok good to know thx boneman :) another question - could the lights be limiting my plants growth? i mean is their a point where maybe plants are feeling the light is too bright and stop their stretch because of that?


Active Member
they lights wouldnt be to bright but they could be to hot. if they are stopping at the same distance from the light each time u move it it could be where the heat is to high... just a thought