Lmao your so spiteful I never even did anything to you did daddy beat you.

Your heads so far up your own ass haha.

Keep assuming things about someone you don't even know, keep feedin the fire

You can barely form a proper sentence to get your point across let me guess you didn't even graduate highschool and you live in your mom's basemnt.

If your gonna assume shit about me ill return the favour;)

Have a nice day knob gobbler

ohhh i hit a buttton that was to easy .................u can write the proper way and get busted in 3 years .............i am dyslexic and stopped caring about it so my writing is broken and misspelled but the best thing about that is i do not pop up on watch list because i misspell alot of the key words so they never get flag for review

if i say something that someone does not understand i will be more then happy to reword it .........but most ppl understand what i am saying except the anal retentive bastards who need everything with caps and spelling with period at the end

and yah i never did finish school when i was 14 my mom she got sick i mean so sick she was in bed for 11 years .........someone had to stay home in the day time to take care of her i was the oldest in the house .......i did not like school so i dropped out to take care of her so father could keep his job in the day time and little brother had a chance to be a kid /learn go to school

so yah i did the right thing by my family and hurt my own life but with a iq above 130 and the anger in my belly i still clear more then 60k a year and only work maybe 2 hours a my boxers suit no tie no jackass bosses is the kicker to really piss u off most of the money i make i give it away to ppl i know to help them since i only need about 20k a year to live on i own the house i own the car and i am 35
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ohhh i hit a buttton that was to easy .................u can write the proper way and get busted in 3 years .............i am dyslexic and stopped caring about it so my writing is broken and misspelled but the best thing about that is i do not pop up on watch list because i misspell alot of the key words so they never get flag for review

if i say something that someone does not understand i will be more then happy to reword it .........but most ppl understand what i am saying except the anal retentive bastards who need everything with caps and spelling with period at the end

and yah i never did finish school when i was 14 my mom she got sick i mean so sick she was in bed for 11 years .........someone had to stay home in the day time to take care of her i was the oldest in the house .......i did not like school so i dropped out to take care of her so father could keep his job in the day time and little brother had a chance to be a kid /learn go to school

so yah i did the right thing by my family and hurt my own life but with a iq above 130 and the anger in my belly i still clear more then 60k a year and only work maybe 2 hours a my boxers suit no tie no jackass bosses is the kicker to really piss u off most of the money i make i give it away to ppl i know to help them since i only need about 20k a year to live on i own the house i own the car and i am 35

so the other 22 hours of the day you try and win internet fights?

you dont piss me off your entertaining me keep feeding the fire bud im lovin it
so the other 22 hours of the day you try and win internet fights?

you dont piss me off your entertaining me keep feeding the fire bud im lovin it

well no the 22 hours breaks down to anything i want to do ............8 to 10 i sleep hour i cook hour for shower shave and shit other 10 hours are projects and messing with ppl like u beside actually helping or offering advice to ppl looking to learn ( little secret helping others is the quickest way to learn yourself ....different ways of attacking problem leads to different solutions )

and yah i did now u are acting less like a jackass and more wounded pride thing by that little " you dont piss me off your entertaining me keep feeding the fire bud im lovin it "

just learn the lesson and go away ...........this whole thing has turned into a little bitch fight (no offense ladies but calling it like i see it)

do not be a jackass to ppl .........golden rule treat others as u wish to be treated by others