light fixture question


Well-Known Member
I was given to 400 watt light setups, a HPS and a MH. The problem is the don't have bulbs, now the ballasts say whether they are MH or HPS but the hoods and light fixtures do not. does that matter? is it only the ballasts that is bulb specific and not the hood/fixture?

when I replace the bulbs, is there a company that makes better bulbs than others?

thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
The hood doesn't matter. I don't think the fixture itself matters much either, so long as they are for the correct wattage (both 400w) - the ballast absolutely matters, so it's good they were marked.:peace:
There are a ton of diff. manufacturers out there for the bulbs, in a ton of price ranges. Maybe someone can point you to a specific one, but me personally, I say get whichever one you can afford for now - if you can get a little bit better one do it, otherwise the cheaper ones will still work to start off with.