Light green leaves


New Member
His plants need a clean out, they will fix as you know but right now they dont need nuits.
i understand that they dont need nutes yet,,,,theyre still young
but he asked what caused a N def so i told him....
i thought epsom salt was a magnesium supp???
y would he need that


New Member
i understand that they dont need nutes yet,,,,theyre still young
but he asked what caused a N def so i told him....
i thought epsom salt was a magnesium supp???
y would he need that
A small amount in a foiler spary should clean them out.
Or he could also use some Tomato feed with seaweed extract.


New Member
From the masters of RIU...

Marijuana Plant Problems and Cures

Before we get into this I want you to check a couple things, check the following things:
  • Plants have plenty of water
  • Soil is seven PH or even a little less
  • Your light cycles are correct
  • No pools of water
  • Constant fresh air
Now thats out of the way let Mr. Ganja God diagnose your plant

Bigger leaves are turning a yellowish color while the smaller leaves are green.
  • Nitrogen deficiency - add nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer.
Older leaves will curl at edges, turn dark, possibly with a purple cast.
  • Phosphorous deficiency - add commercial phosphate.
Mature leaves develop a yellowish cast to least veinal areas.
  • Magnesium deficiency - add commercial fertilizer with a magnesium content.
Mature leaves turn yellow and then become spotted with edge areas
turning dark gray.

  • Potassium deficiency - add muriate of potash.
Cracked stems, no healthy support tissue.
  • Boron deficiency -add any plant food containing boron.
Small wrinkled leaves with yellowish vein systems.
  • Zinc deficiency - add commercial plant food containing zinc.
Young leaves become deformed, possibly yellowing.
  • Molybedum deficiency - use any plant food with a bit of molybdenum in it.


New Member
Epsom Salts
I feel I should say a few words about the use of Epsom Salts in cannabis cultivation.

All green plants produce their own food from water, CO2, and light, by a process named photosynthesis. The chlorophyll molecule, which is essential to photosynthesis, is coloured green and contains one atom of magnesium. So adequate magnesium is absolutely vital to the growth of green plants.

If there is a shortage of magnesium in the plant´s nutritional intake, an early indication is the yellowing of leaves. It is easy to remedy any deficiency by feeding a dilute solution of Epsom salts, MgSO4, in a concentration of about a teaspoon to a gallon, two or three times in the growing season; a little goes a long way.

Magnesium deficiency is distressingly common, many commercial soils contain little or none of the element, and many ferts only contain tiny amounts of magnesium, if they contain any at all. And growers do not always appreciate its importance.

But magnesium deficiency is not the only cause of leaf yellowing - a shortage of nitrogen can have similar symptoms, but this is MUCH less common as most of us routinely feed nitrogen-containing ferts. Some pests, such as red spider mite, can cause leaf yellowing, as can a whole host of viruses to which your ladies are susceptible. And don´t forget it is normal for the lowest leaves on the plant to yellow and die. They have done their job, and your buds are now being fed by the products of the photosynthesis being carried out by the fan leaves.

But if you do have a problem, I do recommend that you try some Epsom salts in the first instance. It may well not be the answer for your problem, but it very often is.


This is all so confusing but i am to absolutely obey everything you guys say. I am now near flushing them and am using a very weak nutrient solution.
I have removed some mylar too. I am reducing the light to 18/6. They were on 22/2. I will get epsom salts tomorrow. Will they turn around if i do exactly what you say?


New Member
Yipp, ive never been a fan of 24/7 lights, does that happen with nature, 'no' plants need a break and respond better with a dark period, they will perk up but dude its not going to happen overnight, they are sick and need to recover but give it time ok.

some people will knock my advice or have their own opinion, ive grew weed for 10 years come dec, i have nothing to prove on this site, have some faith, and give them some time to recover with less fuss, keep in mind they are weeds, no-1 mistake people make.


Ok wicked. Shame i'm not good as growing as i am smoking.

I have put up some pictures of my "improvements". I suppose it seems bit tidier. Any comments would be appreciated if they are even needed.

I will get these epsom salts tomorrow.

Thank you Robin


New Member
Ok wicked. Shame i'm not good as growing as i am smoking.

I have put up some pictures of my "improvements". I suppose it seems bit tidier. Any comments would be appreciated if they are even needed.

I will get these epsom salts tomorrow.

Thank you Robin
No probs dude, keep the grow room tidy, its the law, remember give them time to recover, give them routine, routine, routine.

And disolve the epsom in boiling water then add to the spray bottle, every now and then just spray with water so to avoid build up on the leaves. PLEASE DONT GO BONKERS WITH IT '''REMEMBER THEY ARE SICK''' nurse them back slowley, ill keep watch for your posts update.


I had a similar problem and posted it in this thread:

If you are using nutrients, I would change the water right away--use bottled water only (no nutrients) and PH adjust it to 5.9 or 6.0 I would also think about adding epson salts (which you can get in just about any pharmacy.) I would just use a teaspoon as long as you have at least a gallon of water in your reservoir. Then just wait for a couple of days and hope the plants go green again. Mine did.


Well-Known Member
:clap:+rep4 ROBINBANKS!!
Excellent advice and info, Sir!! I just learned a lot and you put it out there plain and simple......

And I gotta admitt, Superlevs, when I first looked at this thread and saw the pics I was wondering where the plants were--:o-I thought what was there were leafs that had fallen of the plants that had been
:weed:I wish you much luck in getting your girls well and I am sure if you listen and learn all will be fine.
The only thing I will add is I HATE ROCKWOOL!! It sucks the big donkey, imo. Holds too much water, not buffered good and then you have to dispose of it. Hydroton you can use over and over---it gets better and better with each run, imo---just rinse good the first time around. Soak it in bleach water, clearex, whatever inbetween uses......... But then many people preffer RW, so...........haha, to each his own, eh...

Oh, be patient!

Happy Growing to you!!



New Member
:clap:+rep4 ROBINBANKS!!
Excellent advice and info, Sir!! I just learned a lot and you put it out there plain and simple......

And I gotta admitt, Superlevs, when I first looked at this thread and saw the pics I was wondering where the plants were--:o-I thought what was there were leafs that had fallen of the plants that had been
:weed:I wish you much luck in getting your girls well and I am sure if you listen and learn all will be fine.
The only thing I will add is I HATE ROCKWOOL!! It sucks the big donkey, imo. Holds too much water, not buffered good and then you have to dispose of it. Hydroton you can use over and over---it gets better and better with each run, imo---just rinse good the first time around. Soak it in bleach water, clearex, whatever inbetween uses......... But then many people preffer RW, so...........haha, to each his own, eh...

Oh, be patient!

Happy Growing to you!!

Thanks fella, we all get lost from time to time, its what we learn on the journey that matters.


I have not been able to get hold of epsom salts yet - they are not the easiest thing to get hold of. Are they imperative? If so i will continue to search until i have found them. My two local chems didnt have them in stock. I am unsure if i can see an improvement yet since removing near all of the nutrient within the solution. I will be patient dont worry guys. All help is very much appreciated!


New Member
I have not been able to get hold of epsom salts yet - they are not the easiest thing to get hold of. Are they imperative? If so i will continue to search until i have found them. My two local chems didnt have them in stock. I am unsure if i can see an improvement yet since removing near all of the nutrient within the solution. I will be patient dont worry guys. All help is very much appreciated!
epsom salts cleans out their system and would be pretty important in their state. you could also try for Tomato feed with seaweed extract, and foiler feed a little of that, organcic growers not just of cannabis use it all the time.


Is a clearing solution a substitute for epsom salts. I assume not right? Too harsh.

Also, is leafcoat by biobizz a suitable sub for tom feed.



New Member
Bio-Bizz Leaf Coat

Organic foliar spray

Leaf Coat is a ready to use product that can be applied in the vegetative and flowering stage - on soil, coco and rockwoll grown plants right up until two weeks before the end of the flowering period.

It works by forming an extremely thin elastic layer on the leaves that not only contains micro elements which the plant can absorb, but also protects against fungi, pests and diseases. Using Leaf Coat does not restrict your plant in any way and is completely permeable to light. Naturally degrades over two weeks from last application.

You can try it, but epsom salts is good for sick plants, if your plants were human they would be in Hospital -intensive care at that dude.


I have got Epsom Salts! Yay! £1.50, bargain! Mixed them up to the lower end of the scale mentioned in this post. The solution now consists of a very weak nutrient solution and epsom salts @ 1 desert spoon to 5 l of water. I have misted plants. Fingers crossed.


New Member
I,ll keep watch, nothing will happen ''soon'' just give them time, and a little mist every 4 / 5 days and id mist lights ''out'' i hope it works out, no ! it will work out, i have faith in you, and a side bet with my mate lol, no fussing with them, fussing does not speed things up, fingers crossed ok.