Light green patches on leafs??? see pics!

DSC_3828.jpgCSC_3832.JPGDSC_3831.jpgi'm a first time grower and i've got an AK - 48 just over 3 weeks into the veg stage. the plant seems to be healthy enough (its growing good anyway) apart from these light green patches showing up on the leafs. i've only been watering when the top of the soil gets completey dry. i'm using 3 cool white fluorescent bulbs. all i've tryed so far is to transplant it to a bigger pot, that was 6 days ago but the patches are still there??? any help would be magic


Are you giving it any nutes?

I don't think it's a pH problem, by the time the plant is that size, it will have adjusted to the pH of the soil/water it's in. Unless of course the pH of the water you feed it changed.


Active Member
I don't think this is mag deficiency, but I'm kind of a newb.

I had yellow patches and was told it was magnesium deficiency because it had yellow patches, yet the veins stayed green. I got some Cal Mag Plus and it cleared it up so I guess that was the problem. Here's a pic if it helps.



Huh. I honestly don't know. My best guess might be you gave it too much? How long ago was this?


Active Member
Huh. I honestly don't know. My best guess might be you gave it too much? How long ago was this?
I'm thinking that was directed toward me? If it was, what I was trying to say was that Squirrely82's problem didn't look like Mg def., because I'm pretty sure that's what I had. So I posted an old pic of my Mg def to show what it looks like. Squirrely82's have fading within the vein region, so the problem is probably something else.

Or, if that wasn't for me - my bad.
No i've not used any nutes yet, 'I've got canna tera vega' ready but assumed there would be enough in the soil for at yeast a month. I've only used water that's sat open for 24 hours. Should I try some nutes?


Active Member
No i've not used any nutes yet, 'I've got canna tera vega' ready but assumed there would be enough in the soil for at yeast a month. I've only used water that's sat open for 24 hours. Should I try some nutes?
What kind of soil? Ones like Miracle grow and Fox Farm, yeah I heard they feed for a month. I am using one with built in nutes, says it feeds for a month, but after a few weeks I began giving some weak fertilizer cuz this is a plant with fast growth, soaking up all that HPS goodness 18 hrs a day, not some fern plant that grows in the corner of the living room. Also, I had Mg deficiency despite the built in food. The Cal Mag I got provides calcium, magnesium and iron, which it states can be lacking in some planting mixes.

After looking at this link: I was thinking maybe iron? Not too sure.


Well-Known Member
3 weeks old, you can begin to introduce her to some nutes. start at around 1/4 dose and work up from there. I am assuming its not mircle grow soil.
The soil I'm using is livingtons multi purpose compost with added john Inness. I heard it was good for tomatos so I thought it would be suitable


Well-Known Member
Does it have any additives? Like, slow release nutes or the like? If not then I would begin to introduce your plants to some food. Just go easy at first and watch your plants for signs of stress. Pot can take alot of food. But you have to work up too it slowly. Crawl before you walk. Walk before you run kinda thing.