light green spots then death!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wtf soo i look at my plants yesterday and see some funny spots i let them be i look at them today and the leaf feels papery not dry but looks like the light got to close......this is midway up the plant i have no lights even close to using mg 18-24-16 and CFL's the water sits a day befor i use it and the ph of the soil is fine..........



Well-Known Member
Heya, I have never seen anything like that apart from when I tryed a drop of jungle formula on the tip of a leaf to see what would happen.(to see if I could use it as repelant,, not just beacuse I was baked and just wanted to see what happen) The spot quickly died and then spread through the leaf to the stem. The leaaf just died and fell off. It never had a bright colour to it, Like those pics,,,]
I would just advice triming that leaf and removing it, incase it is somthing very bad. What time scale was this over? If it was within 24 hrs it is more likly to be a diease than anything else. Like I say by the time it got to the third pic I would have removed the leaf.

It could be systemic so Id keep a close eye on it. It looks like tree leaf diease,it affect just the leafs of conifirious(ones that shed leafs in winter) cant remember the specific name of it and have never herad of it affecting other plants, Some one on R.I.U, must know,,
Hope they read your thread,,
Hope your babies are ok, take it easy...


Well-Known Member
well thanx for stopping by and leaving your input and ima just cut it and see what happens......thinking about it got the adjoining leaf next to it right were it was rubbing up against it so you might be right


RIU Bulldog
Um....without doing some google research, I think it might be the nutrients. 18-24-16 for veg stage, seems a little high...?
Look up nutrient toxicity in marijuana. Toxicity can cause overly weak stems and papery leaves, I don't remember which though.


Well-Known Member
there are in flower and i know that the n and k are a little high but i dont feed them full strength and i alternate between that and regular water......................and i did my reaserch i allways do befor i post here..... the only post's that seem to get a response on here are the ones that ask "can you smok a male plant" then you have 50 people giving the same answer in 40 diff ways..........


Well-Known Member
more like 19 hours i posted this yesterday and im not complaining that's a bitch trait, and i also have received allot of good advice on here. But it seems that the more retarded your question is the more responses you get. im sure other people feel that way as well


Active Member
See your point, wasn't calling you out just sayin' it's free and you get what you pay for. FWIW it looks like you spilled something on the leaves - peace.


Active Member
possibly calcium or magnesium deficiency...could also be potassium issue.

do research on these problems and you'll probably come up with your answer.

I would flush them, trim that leaf down, and start using a water/water/feed schedule with a 30-50% mix of your nutes. I think that your soils salinity is just to high. No offense but using crap time release fertilizer like the miracle grow will result in things like this if not extremly cared for. I do believe you are using way too much of the MG on your crop. Soil holds all your built up salts and need to periodically flush these built up salts out. I switch my hydro resevoirs weekly to by-weekly to avoid this may want to think about switching to a more cannabis formulated nutrient program, or at least cut back on yours and add flushing into your routine.


Well-Known Member
This kind of deformation isn't happening on all the leaves right? Just a couple? if it's just a couple you can ignore it, sometimes cutting can cause stress, i know, it looks scary to you and I but if this plant was in the great outdoors which is what you are mimicking no one would be there to worry about it and the plant would continue it's course in life with or without some decoloring.
I have had this happen on almost every one I have had, most of the time it happens from the lamp being too close to the leaves. Hope this helps


RIU Bulldog
there are in flower and i know that the n and k are a little high but i dont feed them full strength and i alternate between that and regular water......................and i did my reaserch i allways do befor i post here..... the only post's that seem to get a response on here are the ones that ask "can you smok a male plant" then you have 50 people giving the same answer in 40 diff ways..........
I was talkinjg about ME doing some research on google. But since you know-it-all, fuck off and bad luck.