Light-indoor-outdoor(green house) Question


Sup all.:D

I am setting up an indoor grow room, I am thinking of making it for sprouting clones and vegetation phase since I already have an outdoor glass grow room with it's in/out vents.

The latitude where I live always has the sun up from 11 to 13 hours all year long mostly 12 light 12 dark, the weather is mostly hot or warm, it rarely drops below 23 C during the day, but can go as high as 45+ C during summer, I got a mist system installed to keep the plants in the green house cool but never tried it with cannabis.:(

Would anyone advise against or recommend using the outdoor glass grow room for the flower phase of the plant and why, please? (I am more concerned about the plant growth and yield progress than discretion.)

One last question, does the flowering phase has to be 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark? or can flowering phase occur with light-dark range of 11 Light 13 dark to 13 Light 11 dark?:confused:

Thank you:peace:
If you veg in 24 hours light and then put them under 18/6 they will start flowering. Just like if you veg at 16/8 or 18/6 and then put them outside under 13/11 or 14/10 and they will 99% of the time flower. Any drop in the light cycle can trigger flowering. Which is why when you start seeds outdoor they start to flower after the summer soloists. I veg under 24/0. If you would like to put a plant out with little light first you must condition it. Find out how many hours of light it is going to have and then give it about 2 hours less then that for about 2 weeks. It will start to flower, then raise it to the amount of light it will get ...and it will slowly start to reveg. If you do not condition the plants for the drop in light they will flower. Greenhouses have really high humidity which is a good thing in high temps, research VPD.
Thank you sir,:)

May I ask one more question if you don't mind; :oops:

the Vegetation phase from my understanding is the overall growth of the plant (bigger plant = more spots for flowers and buds??:dunce:)

and the Flower stage is the growth of the flowers and buds (the better this stage process the better the quality and amount per flower/bud??:dunce:)

Which phase does the amount of light plays a more critical role in yield and quality of the weed harvest?:weed:
