light mix or all mix ?


Active Member
hey guys i want to buy bio bizz product soil what do you recomend ? all mix or light mix in whitch one is more easy to grow i also have all the bio bizz fertilizer and i know that for all mix you don't need so much fertilizer but what to buy i want the easy part


Active Member
i use bio all mix, it has been a little hot for a couple of seedlings but they have always done fine. the light mix has less ferts and seems a bit finer but ive never felt the need to switch. make sure you add a little extra perlite though for extra drainage. also you wont need to use any ferts for a good couple of weeks.
good luck and happy growing.


I'm also going to be using the full bio-bizz line up for my first grow this year, i've bought 50L bags of both light-mix & all-mix, going to do abit of testing to see for myself...
I think starting your seedlings with light-mix then transplanting to a pot with all-mix once there more developed would be the best thing to do.
If you can only get hold of one or the other i guess the all-mix would be most beneficitial overtime, goodluck on your grow mate! :bigjoint:


i think the deal is that all-mix is a complete soil that has food and everything your plant needs to grow. light-mix on the other hand is much more of a pure growing medium (like rockwall or clay pellets), that requires a lot more fertilizer.
i've heard as others have said that all mix can be a bit too much for seedlings (because they're only small and cant handle all the fertilizer).
i think all-mix is the easiest option to use because you dont have to worry about fertilizing them as much