As members have mentioned give them a bit of a dark period. I also suspect the beginning of a Magnesium deficiency. The red stalks are a dead giveaway.
Doesn't real blueberry, the good ones, have some kind of mutation with them? It certainly looks a lot like variegation on the brighter yellow spots/ streaks. I do agree about some kind of deficiency /ph issue starting to appear on the fan leaves
Doesn't real blueberry, the good ones, have some kind of mutation with them? It certainly looks a lot like variegation on the brighter yellow spots/ streaks. I do agree about some kind of deficiency /ph issue starting to appear on the fan leaves
The affected plants are indeed blueberry from Dutch passion.
On the deficiency issue, I'm not sure how that can be possible when potting into a soil with such an high EC. And then I gave them a feed of fermented fruit juice (which was probably overkill if anything only 1 week after going into that soil).
I'm using tap water here with a starting EC of 0.2 so I have stopped adding calmag when they have a drink.
As members have mentioned give them a bit of a dark period. I also suspect the beginning of a Magnesium deficiency. The red stalks are a dead giveaway.
I have flushed the plants just in case I'd given too much nutes too soon. The soil is good and has slow release ferts inside which will probably not be washed out.
I just wanted to eliminate that possibility of possible overfeeding. I am seeing some slightly burned tips but those speckles on the leaves have me puzzled. Has anyone ever seen symptoms like this from *overfeeding*?
The light is now hung according to the flexstar review video a member kindly posted.
Aircon is now set to 28c to increase temps a little. And tonight they will get a 4 hour lights out. Hopefully we will see them perk up over the next couple of days.
I'll update this thread with the results. Thank you everyone!
P.s. I've made all the changes at once against sensible advice posted earlier because I'm running out of room and they need to be flipped asap. I need them back on track for the switch.
P.p.s. even though I agree on some ways, it looks like the pH might be swinging... Although I have no idea why or how, my pH pen is bluelab with no warning to recalibrate the pen and the actual medium is between 6.4 and 6.8 so in range.