light problem


What would happen if I left my autoflower without light for 4 or 5 days while it's in vegetation? would it die or would it come back to life and start growing, once I'd turn on the lights in my growbox ? I have to leave the country for a few days and don't have a trusted personnel to help me with this.....


Well-Known Member
your probably better off leaving the lights on while your gone better then leaving them off...


Well-Known Member
the plant will stretch a lot because the lack of the light, and you most likely will have some problems with her lately.
agree with BxHaZe87 : just leave them on.


Well-Known Member
Put it on a timer and make sure it's watered and fed. I leave my alone for 2-4 days every week. I don't have time to be babysitting plants.


I just left mine for 9 days and no issues although I did stress about the girls.
9 days without light ? and they went back to normal progressive growing/blooming after your turned on the lights again after 9 days ? Please reply this is very important...


Well-Known Member
Shit sorry no lol. Left lights on. Just locked the door and left. Everything pretty much automated. I run low pressure aero.


Well-Known Member
I've tossed plants in a garbage can (they were crap) and a week later they're still looking healthy. Pot is a plant that's hard to kill when you try to.......easy to kill when you don't.

I would go with lights-on the whole time.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to leave my plant for near 2 weeks this x-mass and I'm afraid to leave it unattended under lights, so I'll move it into the living room and it will have to survive on the limited sunshine it gets


Well-Known Member
I've tossed plants in a garbage can (they were crap) and a week later they're still looking healthy. Pot is a plant that's hard to kill when you try to.......easy to kill when you don't.

I would go with lights-on the whole time.
Been there lol. Left a couple of small branches on a stalk in a tray after harvesting. Came back two weeks later and there it is still going. No light, no water, just the humidity from the root mat and bottom res I guess, surprised the crap out of me lol.


Been there lol. Left a couple of small branches on a stalk in a tray after harvesting. Came back two weeks later and there it is still going. No light, no water, just the humidity from the root mat and bottom res I guess, surprised the crap out of me lol.
unfortuanately I cant leave them on unattended coz my parents might figure it out... But 4 or 5 days without light won't kills them or stop them from growing further/ progressing ?


Well-Known Member
unfortuanately I cant leave them on unattended coz my parents might figure it out... But 4 or 5 days without light won't kills them or stop them from growing further/ progressing ?
Yea the weed smell wont give it away when they are nearing harvest, harvested, drying.....

got you a bedside lamp growing a solo cup in ur closet n hoping mommy dont find it?


Well-Known Member
and would the yield be affected by this ?



If the plant doesnt get the nutrients, water, light, and air needed, it wont be as big and strong....

This was really a question? If you could treat the plants like this without affecting them, WE ALL WOULD, it would save money on power, and reduce heat.

We use light... because plants REQUIRE light to live....


Well-Known Member
unfortuanately I cant leave them on unattended coz my parents might figure it out... But 4 or 5 days without light won't kills them or stop them from growing further/ progressing ?
:shock: Really! Growing in your parents house is disrespectful. Grow the shit outdoors in the woods and stop disrespecting them.


Well-Known Member
What are little kids doing on this site anyhow....

Your little secret could cost your parents their house by law, and you dont even know the basics, like "Does a plant need light"

Kill your plants, tear down your grow, pick up some books on cannabis horticulture, educate yourself, get YOUR OWN location, THEN start a grow, risking YOUR OWN ass.


and who the f*** are you to tell me how to conduct myself? I think you should just practice safe sex and go f*** yourself


What are little kids doing on this site anyhow....

Your little secret could cost your parents their house by law, and you dont even know the basics, like "Does a plant need light"

Kill your plants, tear down your grow, pick up some books on cannabis horticulture, educate yourself, get YOUR OWN location, THEN start a grow, risking YOUR OWN ass.
you dont even know what country Im growing in and fyi it's not USA or Canada. ...I know how to grow. ..unfortunately I dont have such high - teck growing conditions and gear like most of you'se. I gotta risk leaving them off in 2 weeks from now. ..or just start 'em after New Years. .. unfortunately in this country I dont trust any of these dealers and I'd rather grow it myself. ..I'm not the best out there, but I'm def not the worst

