light ratio n stuff


Hello, I heared about 16:8 12:12 etc.
Is it would be ok if I put the plant in growbox for ~12 hours at night and the rest of time it would stay in greenhouse in sunlight in day.


Active Member
Ha, just don't trip or something when you're walking back and forth to the greenhouse with your plant. (Been there done that)


Ha, just don't trip or something when you're walking back and forth to the greenhouse with your plant. (Been there done that)
Thanks for advice, will be very carefull Dude :bigjoint:

So it isnt big deal, that plant gets 24 hours of 2 diferent lights?


Active Member
Thought you were just doing daylight in the greenhouse and the dark in the growbox?


Well-Known Member
If you're trying to flower this is a stupid question.

If you're asking if its okay that the plant is getting 24 hours of light. Thats just fine.


Well-Known Member
i and many others prefer 18/6 or even 20/4. 'most' people will tell you they prefer a dark period, but others do not, and ill leave that debate for another thread.

i believe you can get away with 16/8, but keep in mind that is only about a 3-4 hour buffer if something goes wrong with lights etc. i have heard of plants starting to flower at just under 14 hours of light.